Oh what a night.... To remember

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I met Evelyn at the bus stop in my village, Congatown.

. It was so good to see her. I'd never got the bus so late in the evening, it was 7pm but still, i felt brave.

We both went to buy drinks for Pre-drinks with Crystal and the girls at Ali's. It was exciting and i felt nervous already. We both showed our ID and paid for our cider and Amy's vodka.

i was so excited that it had worked. I also got some cash out for the club- you never know, i might buy some drinks there too.

"Let's find the house then." It took us a while, i was wearing these wedged boots - too high for someone who rarely leaves the house without her pair of Lee Coopers.

I tripped and thought i may have twisted my ankle "Gosh i haven't even drunken anything yet."

Eventually, Evelyn- being as amazing as she is - found Ali's house.

Greeted by a little Jack Russle, he was so cute.

I changed my clothes, "Wait, Cherry, what're you doing, aren't you wearing that tonight?"

"No, it's my jumper."

"Oh i thought you were going to wear that, its nice."

"Haha, oh Evelyn, of course not."

I slipped into my dress - the one which Archie had heard about from Leah. He asked about it, but i told him that it doesn't leave much to the imagination.

It was very low-cut, which for me to wear is quite a revelation. My left bra cup kept coming out, damn it - having one bigger than the other is not okay.

Oh well.

"Wow Cherry."

"Aw no, don't. I feel really slutty."

"You look great."

"Thank you everyone."

I felt self conscious, plus my hair was a mess- A straightened mess, it was all wavy and static.

So i opened the Thatches Katy... and I drank it all.

I tried Vodka but i wasn't sure.

We took lots of cute pictures and listened to the Weeknd, god he's good isn't he?

I must've been so drunk by this stage...I drank too much. We hadn't even got to the Social yet....This was only the Pre's!

I started to cry as i told all the girls how much i loved them.

I recall one person asking whether me and Archie were a thing and to this i responded, honestly, "Well not quite, we are supposed to be going into Bristol tomorrow though....just the two of us."

The girls understood. That's why i loved them so, and i enjoyed their company.

"Right lets go."

Walking out of Ali's house, i remembered my coat and some of my belongings...including a massive rucksack i brought. Adidas just to please the road men...*Cough cough* ....Ali.

I put some Busted on as we walked to the club. I was the only one singing. The girls held me and told me to 'act sober' before getting into the club. Showing the security men my ticket and smiling like a mad person, they let me in. I was in.

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