The Spark of Hope is Destroyed

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I peered from my brothers chest to see a large figure standing in the allyway, Shizuo.  "Ah, hello Shizu- Chan~ what bri-"

"Shut it louse, what the hell did you do!?" his voice showed concern for me, but why exactly? Izayas' eyes hardened at the tone Shizuo had used, "I don't appreciate your tone Shizu. Perhaps you can ask that again?"

"Stupid louse, leave the poor girl alone!" I finally stood from my brothers embrace and walked towards the taller figure silently. "Shizuo," I whispered, "Izaya...... Is my brother."

He was silent, he stared in confusion before scowling and grabbing my collar, "Are you trying to play a trick on me!? You heartless-"

"She's not lying." It was a sudden flash of black as Shizuo released my small, shaking form and Izaya ran over, pressing a small blade against the larger mans neck. This was going to cause a full out war if I didn't do something, so I grabbed my brother and threw him straight into the closest brick wall, glaring. "Izaya, you can't just go around destroying everything you see, the same goes to you, Shizuo. You two are destroying the entire damn city, the least you could do is get along for once."

"No chance." Their answer was immediate, filled with malice. This was defiantly going to take a while, considering the fact that these two have been enemies since high school, it's going to take a lot of time. "Well Shizu- Chan, I'm afraid I must leave, Take care of Sierra~" and with that final statement, he ran off. "Well, that happened....." I sighed heavily at my brothers antics and turned to the larger form, "Sorry about that Shizuo, my brothers a bit-"

"You wern't lying, were you?" Taken back by his question, I blinked while turning my head towards the concreate, my brown hair hiding my eyes, "No...... He's my brother, by two years."

He stood in shock, anger and concern, his body trembled. "I just can't fathom that."

"Why not?"

"You're a midget for one, and two; you have monsterous strength, he has a talent with knives."

My eyes narrowed, "I have some talent with knives, like cutting, I'm good at that."

He must have taken it the wrong way because he grabbed my wrist and pushed up the sleeve to show my wrist, minor scars, but he was still concerned. "You did this, when?" I turned my attention to the faint scars and sighed, "When I was thriteen, it's not my fault, I can't handle my depression."

"You can handle it in many other ways." I yanked my arm away as I rolled the sleeve back down.


Sorry guys, I'm kind brain dead at the moment. I will edit this and add more to it later on though.

THANKS :D - Yukio_Mikk

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