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Isabella's POV

   "So basically Parker is possessing Josh and telling him to kill his family because his mom, the one in white, told Parker that was the only way Josh's body would stop from decaying." I explained to my mom.

   "I don't understand why you can't just watch the movie first instead of reading off of Wikipedia. The whole point of scary movies are the surprise and jump scares. When you read it you know what's going to happen next." She said.

   I just hate being scared. Plus if she wasn't afraid of these movies I wouldn't have to do research about the movie so she doesn't have nightmares. I could just tell her to cover her ears or eyes for the next part. But no that's not enough. She wants me to be afraid with her.

'What a great mother.' I thought sarcastically.

    While she was watching the movie, I just stared at her. She was so beautiful with her luscious, black, curly hair and her grey eyes. She truly was a sight for sore eyes. Being Moon Goddess has its perks. Thankfully, I was gifted with her looks and height of 5'6, although, I had silver eyes.
   Even with the way I looked outside, my wolf, Giselle, was the true beauty in me, literally. She is my best friend, my other half. We're the total opposites for she likes to be on top, she likes knowing that people can't get the best of us. I more reserved and would rather keep to myself.

   My mom lives in alternate universe and I get to spend weekends with her, while the rest I spend with my weak, stupid-excuse-for-werewolf pack. Although, I don't look like this when I go back. Instead of having luscious black hair, it's made to look greasy and dead. My body is made to look very thin and weak. The only things I get to keep are the color of my eyes. The reason for changing is because I need to keep my identity a secret from the real world. If any of them were to find out who I was, they'd use me. I do it to keep myself safe. I would change back when I find my mate because I we'll keep each other safe.

    My mom only knows who will be whose mates. I know she knows who is mine, but she won't tell me who. I guess I'll find out in two days, when I turn 17. I don't know what to expect, I don't know if he'll love me for me or just my ranking which is why I keep it all a secret unless I am sure. I just hope he doesn't take my pack into account when he sees how they treat me.

   "It's time to go back Isabella." Mom said, when the movie ended.

   I groaned." But it's almost my birthday." I whined.

   She shook her head. "I know, but you can come back on Saturday and we will celebrate it. My gift is coming soon." By gift she means mate. I don't know if I'm ready to spend my entire life with some guy.

  'He's not just some guy,' Giselle huffed, 'He's our soul mate.'

    I rolled my eyes. Before I head back,  I turn back into my "weak state".

   Nobody really cares where I go on the weekends because to them, I'm just some weak, poor, orphan girl. There are some decent people I can actually stand. While the alpha, Josue, is a complete asshole.  He doesn't sleep around because even though he may be a stupid jerk he believes in saving himself for his mate. Yeah most times he would make out with girls, but he wouldn't let it go that far.

   Meanwhile I only had one best friend, Chance. He was my first kiss and first boyfriend. It was weird being in a relationship so we decided just to become best friends.  Even though I looked like the way I did, he still liked me. That's when I knew he would be a true friend.

  Chance was a blue eyed, 5'11, dark brown haired boy that has won many hearts but chooses to stay with me, when he could be popular.

  As soon as my mom gets me back to the real world, I end up in the forest, at least five miles away from the pack house.  I would say my pack treated me with respect and cherished me, but then I would be lying. Other than a couple slaps to the face and punches on the stomach and the verbal abuse, I would still say that they are horrible beings. I'm just an omega, all alone in small room with an air mattress and a computer that I bought for myself. When I get to my room I immediately go to sleep, counting down the hours before I could leave this hell hole.

     I let them treat me this way because I know if anyone were to find the truth about me, they'd attack and kill everyone here and even though they deserve it, I won't be the reason for a whole pack to be dead. I'm fine with being treated like shit.

I'm totally fine with it.
A/N: Hey guys! This is my second book and I hoped you liked the chapter!

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