Prologue: Happy Birthday

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Hello my lovelies!

Just to say, this prologue is pretty long (about 3,700 words). I didn't really know how long a prologue was until I saw in a few other books that they were only 1/4 of an original chapter so.. I hope you enjoy!!

Happy Birthday
생일 축하

Jimin's POV:

"Wa-!" Maya held up her finger about to sneeze. "Wa-! Wai!- WAAaa never mind." She itched her nose.

"Isn't he so cute though?" She showed me a photo of little Aenin that was born two months ago.

Incase you're wondering she and I are shopping. Well, more like me. She's busy admiring the baby photos while I'm getting all the groceries we need.

"Jin looks horrible and Anzi looks tired. Just crop them out." I recommend.

Aenin was born the first to be born. Earliest of all of the babies. Earlier than his due date in fact. The doctor said since he was an incredibly fat/healthy baby he just automatically dropped out. I don't know if it can work like that but.

Anzi's water broke when she Jin and Hendi were in the park. I wish I was there to see Jin's face to be honest. He said he wasn't prepared and all he did was panic.

"Look at little Keilin. Remember their day. Man, I felt bad for her." Maya showed me Hobi and Jessy's little boy who was born last month.

"Her, more like him. That doctor was trying to hit on her while she was in labor. I felt bad for him. He had to sacrifice his lady with a man who was hitting on her to deliver his baby."

"Still, I feel bad for her. I think the ones that had it the easiest was them two." Maya then showed me Yoongi and Sahira's baby daughter Sereen, who was born just a week after Keilin. That whole month was crazy actually.

The funniest (or cutest) thing happened that day.

The moment Serene was welcomed to planet earth not even three minutes later she feel asleep on the bed in her mothers arms and with Yoongi on her side. All three of them were completely knocked out. 

"Later I was plan-" She stopped opening her mouth to sneeze.

"AH! Ah! Ah- god damnit!" It didn't come out. Again.

"It'll come out soon stop stressing." I patted her back and pushed the cart forward trying not to laugh. All week this has been going on.

"Later I have to pass by the café to make sure your brother Hobi, Kookie, and Namjoon have it under control. Do we need flour?" I asked looking at all the selections there is.

"Yeah." She responded smiling at the photos. Ok, which one? If I grab the wrong brand I know you'll get all fussy just for a little misunderstanding.

"Grab the brown bag 90 degrees to your left. That one right there. I'd get it but I can't reach it." It's like she read my mind.

"We should take Moon to Chuckie-E-Cheeses after school. She's been wanting to go and I promised her we'd take her when we had the time." I don't want to go.

Who Knew - The Mafia [BTS]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon