Ch.7. Leather jackets and bikes

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After many tubs of ice cream, bags of chips, baking cookies and movies. Both of us were worn out. Suddenly the door bell rang I guess must be her sister.

I walked downstairs to open the door I'm excited to see her sister. Who would she, who would she be. I ran downstairs singing 'who would she be'. I'm soo weird. Haha.

Time for the revelation. I opened the door and came face to face with one and only. Again drumroll. I swear I should hire a guy who can play drums. But whatever it was the one and only. Charlotte Anderson a.k.a Charlie.

Well good for me. I can talk to her. Yes it will be awkward but the sooner the better.

"Hey, charlie", I said but she completely ignored me.

"Where's my sister", she said in a harsh tone that made me flinch. I looked up to her, her eyes were sad for a minute then she cover it up with some other emotion.

"I'm sorry, Charlie. Please just one chance is all I'm asking for. I was scared that day I was sad. I'm sorry I didn't mean any word. Please forgive me. Please or give me one chance at least". I was practically begging her to listen to my apology. I don't wanna tell every one what happened I'm not ready but if it means their friendship then I think I'm ready to tell them but not separately I'll tell them together. Because not even Ty knows only Bri does.

Charlie looked at me with hesitation, "Okay just one chance though, only one you mess this up and we're done, understood", I looked at her and realised what she had said and jumped and squealed then I tackled her into a hug.

"You won't regret it trust me", I grinned at her.

"Woah missy, you're getting ahead of yourself, first you have to prove yourself, then I'll see whether you pass the test or not", and she said it damn just when I thought I was gonna have it easy. Thank you god, thank you very much. Note the sarcasm.

"Ash, hey", I looked at Charlie, it was the first time after a long time she spoke softly to me.

"Yea", I said curious

"I know I sound tough on you and Nat is being a b*tch and all but please. We have our reason. Me and Nat we both have trust issues. So you have to earn it". I looked at Charlie in concern. Looks like I'm not the only one with secrets.

"I'm sorry, Ash, but do it if you want, no pressure. And I'll convince Nat not to be mad at you". As much as I would've loved that I knew this time I have to solve the problem not run away.

"So how can I prove to you that I'm sorry?", I was seriously thinking of ideas but guess what. I didn't get any, oh I'm sooo creative. Note my freaking sarcasm.

"Hmm, lemme think", Charlie said with a serious face on I don't know why but she looked cute. No wonder Aiden liked her. Suddenly I felt this weird feeling. I think I'm going bonkers without Ty and my friends.

"Ay,Mama chita", a loud voice came from the door. And with a swift movement Ryan was in the room. He looked between me and Charlie looking confused and bothered. He looked at me raised his eyebrow in a way that said 'explain'.

"Charlie, this is my cousin brother Ryan, Ryan this is my.................., I was thinking what to say can I call her my friend, I'm not sure what if she gets mad or denies being my friend.

"Hi, I'm Charlie her soon to be friend", she looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back. I was so happy.

Ryan looked at me, gave me a cheeky smile and said,"Charlie, hi, I know my sister here can be a real b*tch, but she's a loyal b*tch, she really wants your forgiveness, soo please give her one chance".

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