Ch.10.Bruises, Ice creams and Hospitals

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A/N I'm dedicating this chapter to the two people who supported me throughout this book, Miss__Sarcastic and friesforlife1 you guys are amazing. Love you more than choco chip cookies

Ash's POV

Have you experienced that awkward moment when everyone is silent and you know if you break the silence then you'll be in deep sh*t. Well I was in one of those moments. U awkwardly cleared my throat to speak, but Aiden already spoke, "Ashley, Natalie, can you guys go out for a walk, I need to talk to him, guy-to-guy". Well shit, he spoke my whole name, not ash or something weird.

"Yea, sure we'll go and grab an ice cream, do you want any", I asked trying to break the ice. And Nat looking at me as if I've grown two heads, well of course she doesn't want to leave her suppose boyfriend with her brother to die, but I know my brother is a fighter.

"Ash, just get something you like", Aiden chuckled obviously laughing at my failed attempt of trying to break the ice.

"Same", Ty muttered in a deep voice, clearly thinking too much.

"Let's go Nat!" I said enthusiastically, hoping this would relieve her stress and she would go back to her normal bubbly, cute, still as cold as ice self.

We were about to go out then I remembered something and ran back to Aiden and got on my tips and whispered something in his ears leaving him blushing and me chuckling.

Nat asked me thousands of times what I whispered. But I told her that's an story for another time.

"Hey Nat, do you really like my brother", I asked her while looking at her face turn red. I chuckled at this sight, she never fails to amaze me.

"Ash, I really really like your brother. I know we don't have the perfect history and I used to hate him back then, but then things happened and I don't know if I really like him or it's just lust but I want to take a chance with your brother ,Tyler".

Listening to her say those things made my eyes water, she really did like him, both of them are oblivious of each other's feeling, but it's better to leave them on their own and discover new things, it must be an amazing feeling liking someone, and I wish to discover it someday.

Slow down missy. Don't you think you have felt something.

And the bitchy brain is back. Can't believe I missed you.

Well what can I say, I'm irresistible.

And cocky as always

Whatever lets you sleep at night, but think about for I said. You've felt something.

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