Day out with Viktor and Yuri

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"Hey, Viktor!" You shout as you see your best friend the Olympic World Medalist. He was out with his friend who he is currently coaching. 

"Hey Y/N!" He calls over to you and motions you to come and sit with them. "Y/N, this is Yuri, Yuri this is Y/N." You and Yuri exchange glances.

"I think I have met you before," He says. "Yeah,  you're that Russian skater."

"That's right and I remember you from the Figure Skating Grand Prix, your piece was simply amazing! I'm sure Viktor is proud of you." You gushed almost sounding like a complete fangirl, which you were. 

"Do you guys want a drink? Viktor said. "I'll pay for this round." You nodded. 

"Uh yeah sure." Yuri said. 

"Thanks." Yuri and you said in unison. Viktor left to go to the bar, he knew you had a crush on Yuri and that's probably why he just left you guys, he has totally just thrown you in at the deep end. Now you don't know what to say, Viktor winks at you from at the bar. I swear I will throttle him for this you think to yourself. You turn to Yuri and he was staring at you, not in a creepy way but as if he is daydreaming, you blush, is he staring at me? You ask yourself.

"Are you cold?" Yuri asks. Crap he saw me blushing.

"Yeah, just a tad." You say blushing even harder.

"Would you like my jacket?" He asks you as you're only wearing your jumper since you only went out for a run.

"Sure, if that's okay." He hands you his jacket. 

"Any friend of Viktor's is a friend of mine." You smile and blush harder if that is even possible.

Viktor comes back with two drinks your favourite and Yuri's favourite which appears to be the same (Your favourite drink name.) 

You, Viktor and Yuri all get drunk together and Viktor shows you the videos of when he was drunk a few years ago at the after party since you couldn't make it. You all laughed into the night and it was finally getting late 1AMto be exact and the guys walk you back to the apartment you hug Viktor and Yuri goodbye.

Viktor starts walking away and says to Yuri. "Are you coming?"

"I'll catch you up!" Yuri responds slowly looking at you. "Are you free next Saturday?"He asks you.

"Yeah I haven't got any plans." You say blushing since you knew where this was going.

"Would you like to go out to dinner, just us?" You stood stunned blushing hard. "I'm sorry are you already with someone?"

"No, it's not that I'm just surprised you asked me that's all." You smiled and Viktor was somewhere watching me and to see if his plan had worked. I have liked Yuri for years and had admired him more since he tried so hard in the Grand Prix and won silver. I knew that seeing them today wasn't just a coincidence, Viktor used to run with me down this route twice a day before training and here they are at this place in Russia. "Yes, I would love to have dinner with you." He smiled.

"I'll pick you up at 7 PM on Saturday then." 

"Sure thing!" You say and you quickly kiss him on the cheek and run inside. "Goodnight, Yuri!"

"Goodnight, Y/N!" He says and he quickly catches up with Viktor.

"Hey, Viktor!" Yuri says as Viktor steps out from behind the alleyway. "Why were you standing there?"

"Nothing." He grins.

End of Chapter One...

Yuri on Ice: Yuri Katsuki x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt