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Since it's Christmas, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my main hoe: @aesthetic_js , keep hoeing girl.

The choir chorused in unison, filling the gigantic church with their half-angelic, half-screeching voices; their rendition of 'O Come Ye Faithful', will certainly go down in history. My eyes catch Sophia sitting at the side with her flute, her little hands clasping the brass instrument, her eyes trying to avoid the audience. I quickly take a glance at the rest of my family, Melody and my dad immersed in the shambles at the front of the church, Hansol with his earphones carefully hidden so he can listen to his own music. Carefully, I stand up and walk over to the set of pews that Sophia is sat at, making sure my character shoes don't make any noises and disturb the performers. "Hey there little one," I whisper, Sophia's eyes immediately catching mine, a little smile breaks out on her face, "You nervous?" She nods, biting her lip and looking at her flute, I sigh softly and put my hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze and smiling encouragingly, "Don't worry about it, Soph, you're the most confident thirteen-year-old I have ever known, and that's saying something. Besides, it's only one song and you're with your friends. Annnnndddd, I'll take you out for lunch in your break." Her eyes suddenly brighten up, an unsure smile breaking out across her face, "Can we go to that weird French place and speak in french accents again?" she excitedly asks, nearly jumping up in her seat. "Sure, whatever you want. Anyways I've gotta go and sit back down now, the choir are nearly finished." I flick her lightly on the side of her head, causing her to giggle as the choir sit back down and I walk back over to the rest of our family.

As I sit back down, Hansol raises an eyebrow at me, pulling a face as I just shrug, taking my place next to him as Father Hong takes his place at the front of the church, "Now everybody, what you are about to experience is very rare. I am proud to welcome my son Jisoo, better known to most of you as Joshua, to perform his own version of Leonard Cohen's: Hallelujah." He sticks out his arm as Joshua walks to the front, giving him a pat on the back as he takes his place. Joshua stands at the front, in black suit trousers, and a white shirt and a tie, guitar strung over his shoulder as he adjusts the mic stand. Afterwards, he looks up nervously, "Um... Hi... I'm-- well you k-know who I am. This is my uh... my f-first time performing to an audience, so... well I-I'm a bit nervous." He stammers, I look up at him and nod as he looks over to the seats that I'm sat in, he smiles back before continuing, "So-- yeah! Thank you." He flashes a smile before he begins.

He starts by picking the strings, just like the original, but it all changes as he begins to sing. His head moves from looking at the strings to the back of the church, eyes glued to the baptism font as his voice echoes through the colossal stone building. His voice has a husky, soulful tone as he sings the words without any trouble. He starts to become confident, eyes on the audience before he reaches the crescendo, his voice using vibrato. I never knew Joshua could do this, a voice like this could take him far and I'm honestly surprised he wants to follow in his father's footsteps. Taking a quick moment, I divert my eyes to Sophia briefly, checking if she's okay. Just as I turn back, Hansol nudges me and nods over at Joshua, he's looking back at over, his eyes connect with mine again and I flash another smile but he quickly turns his head in the other direction. I raise my eyebrows and glance at Hansol as he smirks, "What's funny?" I ask, he chuckles quietly and whispers, "I think somebody has a crush." he chuckles, still smirking. "Oh shut up." I quickly reply, rolling my eyes, "I'm way out of his league. He's the minister's son!"  I look back at the boy standing before me as he finishes his song, his voice entering a little falsetto. God, he sounds like such an angel. As the song finishes, I stand up and applause him, just as everybody else; it takes awhile but I soon realise that I'm the only person other than his parents, standing up. Hansol chuckles and pulls me down, shaking his head as I feel the heat rise in my cheeks, "You really like him, though, don't ya?" Without thinking, I punch him in the arm and he grabs his arm, "Ow! I was just kidding!... but I can tell you like him." I quickly hit him again before turning back around, giving Sophia a thumbs up as she walks up to perform with her friends.

It's all soon enough finished. Every performance was flawless (except the choirs) are about to leave as Father Hong stands up, "Everybody is welcome to stay for refreshments!" he exclaims happily before going to congratulate. Melody at my dad and they smile, walking over to the table as they collect Sophia, me and Hansol awkwardly following in tow. I wait in a line for tea and sigh as Hansol keeps nudging me, pointing at Michelle, "She's really hot... can you hook me up with her, or just give me her number." He keeps going on and on and on until I feel a tap on my shoulder, making me jump and squeal as I turn around seeing Joshua in front of me, "Uh... Hey... sorry for making you jump." He says, arms behind his back as he smiles down at me.I can't believe it, Joshua Hong just said sorry, to me, Sara Thea Laurel Harper. Wow, That's new. Perhaps my ears are deceiving me... "Um... Sara... your boyfriend is speaking to you." Hansol's voice rings as I roll my eyes and hit him again. Joshua shakes his head and chuckles, "Sorry... I understand I am not of your sister's standards Hansol. Perhaps she would suit a better man." Hansol fake whines as he joins in with Joshua, "Awwwwwwwwwhhh Sara! Joshua is a cool gentleman, though!" he laughs with Joshua before I turn around to him, "Chwe Hansol, I suggest you shut up, in case I'll tell mom about your earphone trick." He puts his hands up quickly, looking guilty as he moves forward in the line, I stay with Joshua. 

"Y-You were good up there." I compliment him, causing him to turn a dark shade of red. 

"I really wasn't, I was all --"

"Hong Jisoo, As a person who is not normally a fan of yours, I fell in love with your performance. With a voice like yours, I'm surprised you don't decide to find a career in music instead of becoming a vicar!" I interrupt him, causing his face to break out into a smile as he rubs his neck.

"Good to know you think I could stand up on a stage every night." He simpered, "Anyways," He carries on, "I- I uh just wanted to know if you're going to the Christmas dance at the town hall, I--"

"You were going to ask me out to it?" I quizzed, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah, I wanted to know if you had a date already." He looked down at his shoes, what is this boy doing?

I tried to think of an answer quickly, it's Christmas and all in all, he is a nice person but the fact he thinks so much of himself pisses me off, and I swear to god he only tries to embarrass me in front of Amber and the rest of the gang. Before me was a guy that I hardly knew and we both annoyed each other constantly; but I guess we could become good friends. 

"Um, well I'm chaperoning Sophia to the earlier dance, and then I have to drive Hansol home from the next dance, so yeah I'm going. And good news for you is that I don't have a date, the bad news is that I don't really want a date." I said

"O-Oh... okay.." He looks down about to walk away before I grab his hand and pull him back, "Buuuuuuut,  that doesn't mean I don't want to go with you, just as a friend.... or acquaintance." I smile at the boy as his face lightens up, "So you will go with me?" He asked in a seemingly perplexed way. "Only as a friend." I reiterated as he shook his head, "It's still a date in my eyes." he says, quickly going back to his own ways before starting to walk away. "Oh please, Fu-- Goodbye Joshua." I quickly change what I was going to say as he gets closer to his father and puts his hand as to wave, me copying his actions as he replies, "Goodnight, Miss Harper." 




And sorry for the pun. I'll just leave now. Gute Nacht! 

Elise xo

Son of a Preacher Man // Joshua HongМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя