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My glare keeps on Joshua for the whole lesson, myself still pissed that he never showed up for the dance. That night was honestly one of the biggest waste of times in my life that I've experienced, and the fact that I wasted it, waiting for him just makes me more mad. The ends of my own tap on the desk, one after another, my classmate, Kayla, looking at me in annoyance. "What's your problem today?" She whispers as sigh in anger, my glare going into her before I shake my head and slouch back in my chair. "I--I just got stood up the other night, and I'm still pissed." She sighs, shrugging, "Relatable."

Finally, the bell goes for lunch and the whole class rush to get out. Most of the class has already dispersed whilst I finish packing the last of my stuff up, slinging the bag over my shoulder and head out as the teacher wishes us the last few of us stragglers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I pick up pace as I enter the crowded corridor, trying to catch up with Amber for our annual dinner at Freddie's Feast. As I take the last few steps to catch up with her I feel somebody's hand wrap around my wrist before I get pulled into an empty classroom. Not bothering to see who it is, I quickly make a dash for the door before an arm is slammed on the wall beside me, making me jump and instantly look up to see the face of Joshua. "Hey there gorgeous." He smirks, placing another hand on the wall on the other side of my head, trapping my body between his, "What's up?" He asks, acting oblivious to what he did wrong.

"Oh, like you care!" I snap, trying to get out but just being caught again.

"Well of course I do..." he rolls his eyes, looking smug before his sweet voice vocalise's his bullshit, "I caught you staring at me in English. I wouldn't blame you though." The smug boy winks before grabbing my wrist and taking us from near the door into a secluded part of the classroom where we weren't as visible. "You gonna tell me what's wrong, sweetie?" He still quizzes with his fake forgetfulness.

I roll my eyes, leaning up against the wall as he sits on a table. "I haven't got all day baby, I'm--"

"Will you stop acting so innocent and actually tell me why you stood me up?" I blurt, releasing an angry sigh whilst he sits and laughs, shaking his head. "You really think I would waste my time on you? Sara, it was all a joke!"

"If you're not wasting time on me right now, then I don't know what you're doing right now. Also, if you're so uninterested in me, why all the stares last Sunday?"

"Wait what the fuck are you--"

"Joshua Hong, I maybe a few things. Stupid? Yes. Judgmental? Yes. A Bitch? Yes. But I'll tell you one thing I am not, and that is blind."

He nervously chuckles, sucking in his cheek before looking over at me, the angry chick standing next to the bookshelf, "You obviously are blind, why would I look at you? You're hideous."

"Look, I wouldn't blame you for looking at Hansol, he is handsome and he does look like Leonardo DiCaprio, but unfortunately Joshua, if you were looking at him with the looks you were giving me, he still ain't gonna draw you like one of his French girls." I retort before walking over in front of him, "And, correction -- I wasted my time on you." 

Joshua casts a scrutinising eye my way, the shock and annoyance clear in his reaction, "If you're so bothered that I didn't turn up, let me make it up to you." 

I fold my arms, standing in front of the door, lips pursed as I keep and eye on him, "Let me take you out..." He began before I scoffed, "What, so you can stand me up again?" I retaliate, opening the door before he rushes over and shuts it, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me against the wall, "Sunday's the last youth group meeting and we'll go afterwards, so you don't have to worry about me ditching you."  

I sigh, nodding, "Fine."

Why do I give in so easy to this boy?


"Have a good Christmas everybody, I wish you all the best and hope you stay safe!" Father Hong cheers as he lets us leave, grinning as he rubs his hands together watching the last of us go, "Say thank you to your father and Melody, Sara. The food for the collection was really appreciated." He smiles, looking over as Joshua puts an arm around my shoulder. "Will do Father." I nod and bow slightly, smiling softly, "I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday." Father Hong smiles at me, "Yours too Sara, and I hope you manage to find faith during this time. It'd be a life changing experience if you do. Now, you two go and have fun. Joshua, dinner will be ready by seven o'clock tonight; so remember to text or call if you think you might be late." His father instructs him, smiling kindly, "Goodbye. See you soon."

I nod and smile, waving as me and Joshua exit the room, he looks at me with an eyebrow raised, arm still around my shoulder as we walk through the rusty old gates of the church, "What did my dad mean by the whole "I hope you find faith" thing?" He quizzes, pulling me closer to him as we stroll nearer to the centre of the town. "You don't need to worry about that Joshua." I say sharply, not wanting to speak about it; and it seems that Joshua gets the message as he just nods and hums in response.

The nearer we get to town, the brighter the lights get and the voices of people get louder as the Santa drives through on his sleigh for the last time before Christmas eve. The shops at the side of the road are all decorated ready for the holidays, a dancing Santa outside of the sweet shop, a train set in the window of the toy shop, a mini village with ice rink bedazzles all of the customers entering and exiting the crafts shop; the rest of the town's shops just dressed in regular festive gear.

"Hey Josh, where are we going?" I ask, looking up at him. He turns his head to smile down at me before pointing towards a small coffee shop, "Let's stop there first."

As soon as Joshua opens the door, the sound of soft lounge music can be heard echoing throughout the shop with the scent of coffee hitting you like a punch to the face. Not that I'm complaining.

"How about, you tell me what you want and you go find a seat for us?" He proposed, taking out a dark brown wallet from his pocket. I shake my head and get a some change out of the front of my bag, "I'll get it myself." I say, starting to walk to the counter until he grabs my hand and shakes his head, "Let me get it. I'm the one that owes you something...." he began to argue, pushing my hand full of money towards my bag, "Come on. My treat." He keeps egging on before I groan and give up, "Fine, fine, Fine! Just get me one of those peppermint white hot chocolates... please." I say as he smiles, kissing my cheek quickly "Mistletoe." He whispered, pointing above us to the beam before going over to the counter.


Slowly, I trod over to one of the tables near the back, next to the fire. I place my bag down beside me, resting my elbows on the hard wood and placing my head in my hands as I look around the small shop. It's decorated all ready for the season, yet not really any Christmas decorations, or any holiday decorations in sight. Letting out a content sigh as the warmth of the fire hits the back of my legs as I look over at Joshua, taking the drinks from the barista with a nod and soft smile before walking back over.

"Hey there." He says with a smile, placing my drink in front of me, which allows the peppermint scent to gentle hit me. "You chose a nice seat." He chuckles, sitting down and taking a sip of his drink.
"What you got there?" I inquire, not sure of the smell of the drink.
"Toffee Apple latte." He nods, smiling softly, before nodding towards my drink, "I didn't know whether you wanted the cream and candy cane on yours so I told them not to put too much on." He rambles, biting his lip being unsure of what he did.
Shyly, I giggle at him, taking a quick sip of the drink and letting the warm liquid cascade down my throat, "Don't worry. It doesn't really bother me."
He nods slowly, placing his mug in front of him, seemingly relaxing in his seat with a different smile, just a friendly one. "I was thinking," he began, picking up the spoon and taking some of the cream and fudge bites off the top of his drink before starting again, "We could go and have a look at the lights in the park after this."

"Shouldn't you be getting home?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed at the eager boy in front of me.

"I'll just text my mom, she won't mind. I'm hardly ever late so this one time won't hurt." He smiles, picking up his mug again, "So, wanna go to the park?"

Son of a Preacher Man // Joshua HongWhere stories live. Discover now