She Came Along ...

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                It was way, way back in my middle school days – but I can still remember the first time I

saw her walking through our classroom’s door. She’s wearing a big, nerdy glasses and absolutely

shy while she’s walking through. I was chatting to Shane and Kian at that time when she

accidentally caught my attention. I don’t know but my curiosity flames up as I’m still staring at her.

My teacher, Mr. Cairney, introduces her to us as a new transfer student from a public school (I

actually attended on a private school back then). She stood her head up and BOOM! I can’t take my

eyes away from her, that it’s like, my eyes automatically glued on her. I feel my heart starts beating,

beating very unusual unlike before. I don’t know but she slowly takes my breath away out of

nowhere while my eyes keep on staring at her. I know she’s not that pretty, but there’s this thing that

makes me swoon and head-over-heels over her - her innocent yet an enchanting look on her big

brown eyes behind those nerdy glasses. That long, straight black hair and those innocent yet

mesmerising smile that adds up to her inner lovely looks that no one sees. I didn’t notice that a

smile was slowly registering on my face while still staring at her - but my mates did. They were like,

                                "Ei, Marky! Why are you smiling on that nerd?"

                That’s Shane who said that. I composed myself and act like, I didn’t stare at her at all but

it’s just that my eyes accidentally saw her. I laughed at him and answered,

                                "Sod off! Stop bloody teasing me, you cheeky git!"

                He was still laughing when I said that, as well as Kian. I feel kinda annoyed when Shane

mention that “nerdy” word on her - coz basically, he can’t see the way what I see on her – those

inner yet, mysterious looks that none of them notice but only me. Our Class Instructor instructed her

to find a sit on one of the vacant seats in the class. As being the “smarty pants” of the class, I look

around, trying to find a seat just for her. I notice that there’s a vacant seat on my left side, that’s why I

instantly raise my hand, shouting,

                                "There’s a vacant seat here, Sir! She can sit here!"

                Mr. Cairney glances and stares at me, as well as her. Then he told her that she can now

sit on the vacant chair beside me. A happy laddie inside, I waited for her until she sat down. She

looked at me. I smiled back at her then introduced myself when I saw that she’s staring at me.

                                "Hi, I’m Markus Feehily but you can call me Mark or Marky."

                She smiled back at me, but I can see the shyness and her innocence with those smiles.

She takes her pen and a wee paper out of her bag and wrote something on it. Afterwards, she gave

it to me. There’s a wee handwritten of her on that note:

                                "Andie’s my name. Happy to meet you, Marky! :)"

                I glance at her once again. She’s still smiling, but this time, she’s not looking at me and

her face was down, shyly staring at the floor. Ah, this is heaven – heaven to know her lovely name,

as well as seeing her loveliest and swooning smile that simply takes my breath away – that’s the

words I said on the back of my mind while still plastering the sweetest but goofiest smile on my



                I make friends with her, totally ignoring (haha! Sorry, bros!) Shane and Kian just to get

closer to her (although I’m still friends with them).She has no friends at all (well, no one in my class

actually had the guts to talk to her nor they don't want to make friends with her coz they all thought,

she's a total weirdo and a nobody) but only me. Pretty weird,isn’t it? A good-looking lad like me

making friends with a “weird, nerdy” transferee who doesn’t have any idea of what her background

and who she really is. But I don’t care – as long as I’m with her, I’m happy (and I don't know why).

She’s very timid, quiet and a very, very shy girl. She only speaks a few, but not most of the time. I

know some of you might think she’s crazy, but honestly, that’s the way  that really makes me fancy

her, makes me more into her and only her. It may sound stupid to some guys of my age but that’s the truth.

                As time goes by, I started to develop this unusual but profound feeling inside – the more

I’m with her, the more I feel like I don’t want to let her go. Yes, we’re bestfriends, we chatted more

often (even if I’m the one who talks the most).We even phoned and send text messages to each

other just to know how is she or what she’s doing ---- and to be with her more even if she’s not

around. I don’t know if I’m just patronising her or...

                ...  Or I’m really starting to fall in love with her.

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