Confusion Leads to Admission

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                I’m still confused about my feelings for her when suddenly, there’s this lad who currently

transferred to my class from other class started chatting to her when I was on my junior year. I can’t

help myself but to feel so annoyed every time this guy tries to steal her away from me by asking

things, this and that. I was like “What the hell is that prat doing?” He keeps on doing that, until I

finally took the courage to confront him.

                                "Would you mind if I ask why are you getting yourself so much closer to Andie?"

                He gave me a very quizzical look, staring at me from head to foot which makes me feel

absolutely annoyed at him even more.

                                "Why? Is that a problem?"

                I didn’t answer back, but I look straight on his eyes instead. Then I said,

                                "Yes - I mean, YES! There’s a problem, mate. I do have a problem with you coz

you keep doing that, sneaking yourself in the middle of our conversation knowing the fact that I’m

talking to her!"

                He burst himself laughing -- laughing his heart out like all the words I said is just an

absolute joke. Then he answered,

                                "I like her, that’s why I keep on talking and getting close to her - so what?"

                My patience instantly snapped like a blink of an eye, as well as I was gobsmacked after

hearing those words from him. I was like, what? He fancies her? The F he said that right on my

face! I feel like I want to punch his nose, but I try to compose myself more and feel calm as much as

possible. I  slowly walk in front of him, still staring at his face saying these words out of the blue.

                                "Get off her - I don’t bloody care if you fancy her or not. Coz in fact, I LOVE HER! So

bugger off and find someone you can flirt with - coz honestly, I can see you’re not that serious on

her – that you only want ‘something’ from her."

                I can see how dumfounded he really is after I blunt those words – which he was so

surprised that I can see and feel what his intentions really are. He didn’t answer me back, nor say

anything just to show how wrong I am. Annoyed (as what I can see on his eyes), he quietly leave

without any word to defend himself. After he left, I feel totally surprised about myself – that I didn’t

expect I will gradually and bluntly throw those words on him – that I will bluntly and proudly tell him

that I like her,  that I love her. My heart then starts to beat, like it was so relief and happy after I blunt

those words against that lad.

                Yes, I love her – that I can now understand and realize how much she mean the world to

me, that how I care a lot for her – that I’m not just a best mate to her nor patronizing her coz she has

no friends but only me, that I wanted her for something more – that I, indeed, wanted her to be my

girl. After that incident, that guy never, ever talks nor get close to her again. Andie noticed that and

starts to ask me, but I just smile instead without spilling anything – knowing the fact that I confronted

that guy days ago.


                Andie and I are in our senior high – and yet, I still didn’t get the chance to tell her how much

I love her – that I’m dying to tell her that I see her as the girl who I love and cherish the most. We’ve

been the best of mates since our middle school days (as well as with Shane and Kian of course) –

and that I’ve been in love with her all my life for 4 years now. From the nerdy look that my

classmates always sees on her to a lovely and gorgeous girl next door – that’s how she looks like

now but she didn’t take off those nerdy glasses, that’s why I’m so glad she retain her identity that

made me head-over-heels for her 4 years ago. We’re still best friends – the best of friends that all

of my classmates knew and thought. I do really wanted to tell her how much I feel for her, but my

confidence still eats me up that’s why until now, she has no idea nor a clue that I’m in love with her.


                Our High School Ball date was announced, and every girl in our class gradually turns their

heels on me asking if I can be their date on that night. I can see how eager and hopeful those girls

really are, but I have no choice but to refuse their offer – as I was planning to ask my girl to be my

date for that night. Andie ask me who’s my date for that night, as she wasn’t that keen to ask

someone to date. As a usual “best-of-mates” treatment, she started to tease me so that I can

confess to her exactly who’s that “lucky girl”. I didn’t say a word and laugh instead. But she still

insisted, trying all her best to “squeeze” the latest goss of the name of the girl I’m going to date .I

wanted to tell her that SHE’S the one, but my guts don’t want to ruin everything I plan for that night.

                                "Wait for that night - it’s a surprise”, I said then winks at her while a sweet smile

crosses my lips.

                She stops teasing me, shrinking her eyes like she’s not satisfy on what I’ve said. I burst on

laughing instead to revert his attention away, cracking some jokes which makes her laugh in an


                                 "I know I'm a weirdo but, I can't deny the fact that you're much weirder than me

sometimes", she said while giggling.  

            My laugh subsides, and then I stare at her in secret while she keeps on giggling and smiling.

               Yes, you’re a weirdo – but you’re the weirdo that I love and can’t stop falling in love with.

How I wish you know what I feel for you, so that I would never restrain myself to show that you're not 

just my bestfriend,Andie ... I said at the back of my mind while I'm still staring at her.

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