You and Me, A Promise Fulfilled

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                Years passed. I’m now on my final year on the course I’ve taken in Uni. I excel mostly in my

class, included in the top ten mostly. Our University was the overall champion for this particular All-

Universities’ Football League where I'm one of the best players they have - and lastly, my

graduation day is happening today. I bagged Cum Laude – not bad. I celebrated the most precious

moment of my life with my family and all my mates,

including Shane and Kian (yes, we went altogether in the same university after High School).I’m still

chatting with them when suddenly someone caught my attention from the University Gym’s door.

There’s this girl standing there, staring at me from afar I look at her, thinking why she’s

staring at me. The spotlight suddenly lighted her place. My heart starts to beat again, as well as my

eyes starts to glow like the glow it makes when someone so special to me came along yaers ago.

Happiness and excitement kicked in, as I started to recognise the girl standing on that door - that

it’s like this incident already happened years ago. And yes, it’s her ...

                   ... It’s Andie, my best friend and the girl I really love and adore all my life until now.

                   My foot starts to walk like it has its own mind - walking towards the place where she’s

standing. That walk suddenly turns to running, running as fast as I could just to reach her. Finally,

I’m now in front of her, looking at her with happiness I feel inside my heart. I’ve been waiting for this

moment all along – this moment that one day, she’ll be back, standing in front of me, seeing those

sweet smile on her face while her mesmerising yet enchanting look on her eyes was staring back

at me. Not thinking twice any longer, I embraced her like I don’t wanna let her go again. Andie

embraces me back, whispering,

                                "Did you miss me? Coz I missed you so much, that I’ve been waiting for this day

to see you …"

                     A sweet smile slowly registers on my lips after hearing that, telling her that I missed her so much. Yes, I utterly miss her to bits, more than anyone else. After that long, warm embrace, we

took our arms away from each other. I look at her, still smiling – as well as her. She absolutely

changed a lot, but she still retains those nerdy glasses with her as her old identity – that nerdy

glasses which hides her inner beauty inside that no one saw but me and only me. She’s much,

much different than the last time I saw her, leaving the promise to each other on that day I confess

how much I love her:

                                "Will you wait for me?” she ask shyly.

                                “O-Of course! Of course, I would. I don’t care if it takes forever, Andie”, I said, still

with tears falling from my eyes. Then she answered, a weak smile crosses her lips.

                                "Coz I will wait for you forever. I just need to go away, away from everyone to

forget the nightmare that nearly took my life away from me. I want to gain myself back again, that I

wanted to find the old "me" once again. But before I go, I want to give you my heart and my soul –

that I want to give my whole trust with my feelings that I kept for so long, that I want to say sorry as

well if I didn’t chose you as my date on that night. That, that I will be forever yours and only yours.

Will you still accept me and love me even if, even if I’m not whole anymore?"

                I shed all the tears away from her eyes when I notice she started to cry again. I gently touch

her cheeks with my hand, trying to kiss her. But she took her face away from me, refusing my act. I

know the trauma and the fear from the nightmare she faced was still there, coz I can see it on her

eyes as well as how she pushed me a bit a while ago. I apologize, staring at her instead while still

holding and caressing her cheeks saying,

                                "I don’t care if I’m not your first, or if you're not whole anymore --  as long as I have

you in my life. I love you, you love me, and that’s what matters to me most. I may not be your first

but I promise – I swear and promise that I will be your last …"

                That moment still lingers on my mind while I’m still staring at her. I can’t believe that she

really indeed, came back – came back to see me and to fulfil the promise we left to each other

before she left on that day. I still can’t believe that she’s really indeed, standing in front me...

                ... The girl whom I really longing to hold in my arms again ...

                ... My bestfriend,

                .... And my girl.

                After the long silence that surrounded between us, I slowly move my face closer to her

face, gently touching her lips with my lips. To my surprise, she kisses me back while my lips are

still on hers. Butterflies and utter happiness are all over the place inside me – utterly and absolutely

happy to know the fact that she really indeed, finally recovered from the past nightmares of her life.

That finally, I can held her in my arms and can finally love her without any restrictions nor traces of

the dark past that once nearly took her way from me.


- THE END ...

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