The Yogscast Will Survive!

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                         *Lewis's POV*

"HAHAHA!!!" I cant stop crying, Oh. My. God! Me and Simon are recording the new episode for the missed series of "The Shadow of Israphel" and Simon just blew up Israphel 'accidentally' and just oh my god I just cant!!!

"Simon this was our third time recording this because you keep blowing shit up!" I said trying to stop the tears, and grunting to hold back my laughs.

"Lewis are you okay?" Simon said giving me a weird funny face.

"Your making some deranged noises and I think we should call an ambulance because I think I broke something!" Simon screamed at me laughing and rolling about in his chair holding his toy Mandrew doll.

"What have you broken?" I said calming down a smidge.

"My headset!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!HAHAHA!!!" Simon just fell out of his seat and is now rolling on the floor like an idiot. All I could do was laugh and smile at my best friend, nobody else in the world could make me laugh like he could, not even the funniest man alive could make me snigger like Simon does. The best part of it is the fact that he doesn't know he does something funny which makes him an even better person!

Never have I heard someone say 'Simon grow up' or 'Simon we hate you' because they couldn't say something like that to him. If someone did say something like that he'd probably just laugh at them!

"Oh Simon, friend, I don't know what I'd do without you. I'd probably dress Hannah up in a dwarf suit and a ginger beard with her own diamond pick! Haha." I said to Simon, looking him in the eyes being completely honest. Even the part about dressing Hannah up as that I'd like to see....LOL......

"I know you would buddy, wooo...." Simon said wheezing the last bit trying to get his heart rate back to normal, whilst wiping the tears from behind his glasses.

"But I'd doubt Hannah would like the idea of being dressed up as a dwarf....WE KNOW NOT OF THE OWL KINGDOM! Our women are hairy and our personalities suck! I'm a test tube baby so that's why I'm a bit.......well...y'know I did just blow up a whole load of shit FOR THE THIRDE THIRD TIME! AHAHAHAHA!!!!" After Simon's lecture of dwarvish personalities, his birth and not to mention Hannah dressed up as Honeydew, we decided that the video would be part of our blooper reels. We turned off our cameras, pulled off our headsets, tossed Mandrew back and forth for 2 minutes then decided to go get some coffee. Later we are going to check up on Duncan's Hexxit episode's to see if he's ok or needed help editing. He's always stressed about getting his videos out on time but we always come to the rescue!

We walk into the lounge and Simon takes a seat on the couch humming the morning song.

"Friend do you want some Jaffa's or some digestives?" I asked Simon, knowing the answer but I only want to hear the answer. I smiled staring at his shocked face.

"YOU KNOW BLUDDY WELL WHAT I WANT!!! You cheeky bugger!" He said staring at me with a cheeky smirk playing on his face.

"HA! Guilty as charged friend!" I smiled and turned on the coffee machine then pulled a packet of Jaffa's out of the cupboard. I walked over to the couch opposite Simon who was sprawled out over it, his legs hanging off over the top of it and his arms dangling to the floor. I leaned over and poked his stomach, it then grumbled and we laughed again, treasuring these moments.

Just then the coffee machine beeped, I got up and grabbed 2 mugs then poured the coffee into our mugs which have our Minecraft Skins wrapped around them. Turning around I handed Simon his cup and he nodded his thanks. We sat in silence sipping from our mugs. Bored, I thought, so I decided to make a funny face to which Simon choked on his coffee and spluttered laughing at spitting it everywhere. This only made me laugh harder. Finishing off my coffee I got up and walked over to the sink and rinsed out my mug, then left it on the drying rack.

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