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I stood there wide-eyed at who was before me. Some looked fine but others looked a little shabby. Nearly a week this thing has been going on for and everyones already in need of a good hot shower.
There barracading the door in front of me was five very good friends.
Sjin : sweat dripping from his forehead, washing away the dirt on his face. He was wearing a dark red wool jumper with a few slashes and tears in it and dark blue jeans that had crimson stains on them, dont want to know how they got there...

Sips : Panting and short laughs broke the silence as he tried to regain his breath. He had a fireman's axe in his left hand and he was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket, his black denims has rips in them, he looks as if he ran through barbed wire.

Nilesy : his mop of black curls hiding his eyes as he slunk down the door to the floor. His grass green button up shirt had a few buttons missing and his red chinos were in perfect condition strangely. Also a gun holster was slung round his hips and in it rested a black pistol.

Kim : The small woman was curled up in a ball against a corner in the room, rocking back and forth slowly. Her red and white striped jumper had odd discoloured splotches on it and her blue jeans had noticable holes and shreds in it that had blood pouring out. I've never seen the happy woman so distraught before and i never wanted to. Beside her lay a silver baseball bat with a signature on it and i could also make out her name scribbled on it.

Zoey : the fiesty red head was standing looking at me with fear and worry, we had always been hood friends though we rarely spoke like we used to. She saw me as a leader. She had a trail of blood oozing from under her hairline...

All five of them, here and safe. I wonder how they made it...
...I wonder how the others are.

"How the hell are ya my mother trucker?!" Shrieked Sips once the panic had settled. He seemed really happy about being back, despite the newly found zombies of course.

Sips stood up straight and briskly walked to me, wrapped his arms round me and squeezed as if i was a stress toy. I wish i could make all of them feel better, they must be traumatised.

"I've been trucking on Sips, trucking on." I said with softly with a gentle smile, wrapping my own arms around him.

"Who else is here?!? Is Hannah alright?! What about Simon, oh God Simon better be fine n' dandy i swear it or i'll...i'll...i'm hungry." The fiery red head yelled out. Everyone had tried not to laugh at her outburst but were failing miserably by snickering or coughing to hide it.

Zoey eyed us with a glare. It only made us laugh out loud this time. I was glad to be having some fun again, just like old times.

"Zoey, it's alright. Hannah and Simon are just "fine n' dandy"!" I assured her whilst mimicking her choice of words, she always had an interesting vocabulary. One reason i love having her as a friend if I'm honest, no one else spoke like her haha and she could always make me laugh.

"Good...well? Are we just gonna stand here and wait on an invitation into our own work? Or is the boss gonna lead us?" Zoey showed her pride in calling me the boss, i had to lead my band of merry men and i would do it til my very last breath.

Even if it was just leading them to the lounge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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