Chapter 5- An Unexpected Arrival...

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*Lewis's POV*

8.32pm, Monday Night. I'm trying to keep track of the days. I'll count them, until the army arrives anyway...

...if they ever do arrive that is.

Hannah and Simon are fast asleep on the couches. We watched videos all day, must have tired them out...they laughed way too much. Then again we are pretty hilarious.

My eye lids slowly fall and I see darkness. I jolt my eyes open again, I must stay awake. I said I'd take first watch even though the building is secured, I just want them to be safe.

I feel myself starting to nod off again so I get to my feet and stretch my legs. Quietly I walk past sleeping beauty 1 and 2 and reach the kitchen counter. I flip the switch on the kettle and the water starts boiling. My mug from earlier rests in the drying rack, I take it and place it on the counter then take out the Kenco coffee jar. Milk...when does it run out of date? I cant think of a life without coffee and tea...the thought sends a shiver down my spine.

I hear shuffling on one of the couches and turn to see Hannah stretching over the arms.

"Whats all the noise?" Hannahs ask whilst yawning.

The kettle had boiled and I hear a click signaling me back to the coffe. I open the kenco jar and take a teaspoonful, tossing the grounds into my mug.

"Sorry, I was nodding of so I thought coffee would wake me up. Want some?" I mumble as my eyes still droop for lack of sleep.

"Tea please, love." Hannah says sitting up on the couch grabbing the tv remote and turning on the flat screen. Static appeared...great. I pulled out a tea bag and dropped it into Hannah's mug whilst she flips through the channels, trying to find a clear station.

I walk over with the mugs, steam flowing from them. I sit beside Hannah and place her tea in her hands. She nods her thanks then takes a sip.

"Any stations broadcasting?" I ask hopefully yet doubting that there would be anybody broadcasting at a time like this.

"Yes actually, I think it was the news but it was really hazy and you couldnt hear anything being said. Im surprised we even have electricity, wonder if the internets up..."

Hannah says knotting her eyebrows in thought. Simon rolls over onto his back snoring really loudly. I automatically face Hannah with a huge grin plastered to my face, she does the same....we cant'd make too much noise...oh bother.

"Hahaha, Simon! Wake up! Hahaha" Hannah shouts in a laughing fit trying not to spill her tea.

I am finding it hard to breathe, Hannah's laugh is contagious and Simon's snoring keeps replaying in my head...

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! OH MY GOD...Please kill me now.....I cant breathe hahaha." I splutter and choke out as I try to sip my coffee but give up on it and place it ont the coffee table.

Simon jolts awake at the sudden comtion, this only makes me and Hannah laugh more. Shortly after Simon looks at us he joins in. We were happily laughing when suddenly there was a knock at the door...the front door. I got up immediately and grabbed a bat that was on the floor beside Simon. I look at the two who seem to be in shock with fear smeared on their faces. I hug Simon quickly and give Hannah a kiss reassuring her.

"Stay here, hide behind the couch. I'll be back shortly, incase something happens I want you two to get out of here and head for the country." They nod in unison and I leave the lounge, the bat tight in my grip. Stride after stride I take til finally im at the door...we boarded it up so I cant see whats outside. I pull off a board and peek out only to see a pair of eyes staring at me. I jump bacj and raise my bat ready to swing if the intuder enters.

"Lewis?! Oh my god it's me! Chris!! Open up mothertrucker before we get killed!!!" Sips franticly whisper yelled. I drop my bat and unlock the padlocked door. It swings open and five people rush in and slam the door behind them.

Well...this is amazing but...unexpected.

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