Chapter 2- You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You...

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                  *Hannah's POV*

Finally! I just finished editing my new Advent video, I know Christmas is well over and done with but the amount of mail and presents that I got...I just, yeah I need a closet for the owls its that bad, but owls are never a bad thing! OH GOD NO! The more the merrier!

I turned off my monitor and checked my Facebook real quick on my laptop before shutting it down too. My phone was just on the desk, all my stuff was in order. My phone which was just usually hanging in my back pocket but it got uncomfortable and you'll see that it got to a point where I just gave up and announced it on camera during my video. You should see the comments I've gotten in the last 5 minutes. 'Did you butt dial anyone?' or 'Was it wedged?...' honestly the fans are mental.

I span round on my chair until I got dizzy, just out of sheer randomness. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, I've had a lot of work piled up lately with the extra advents and the fans wanting more Walking Dead, but I cant give them what it isn't even out.

"I am a dwarf  and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, I'm digging a hole" I started singing softly to myself when suddenly there was a little thud at my window. I opened my eyes and pulled myself out of my comfy spinny chair. I was in the spare office on ground level, I've had to record down here due to my computer spontaneously combusting and blowing up, and I punched my laptop during Slender: The Arrival.

I walk over to the window and open it, feeling the cold air fan over my face. Looking out into the car park (some view I got, eh?) I noticed that it was empty of all life, not a soul to be seen! The main road was just as bad, with the traffic in Bristol I 'm surprised not to see a single car, bus or cyclist. I inch closer to get a better look at what seemed to be a ghost town....

As I edge closer, my nose barely touching the window, a large hand slammed itself into the glass leaving a large crack in it and a few trickles of blood running down it.

I hesitantly jumped back fearful of the hand print on the window, that is outlined in a crimson red liquid.

A few moments later I peer at the window, a safe distance away standing beside the small coffee table of Mr Owl. I tear my vision away from the hand and look past it outside to see a tall man standing there. He is wearing what looks to be like an old tattered green t-shirt and knee high brown shorts. I don't know why as the temperature is around 2Celsius.

"Hello? Sir, are you alright?..." I shuffle a few inches forward to get a better look at his features....and I wish I hadn't looked at all...

His skin was a light grey but didn't look deathly pale, his blonde hair was matted and he looked scared and.....hungry. His ey- wait I doubt it's even a he reminds me of the Walking Dead to be honest...oh the Irony.

"H-hh-an-n-ah" it groaned.....I know that voice, that high pitched voice we love Simon to make fun of....

"Martyn! Oh my god you scared me haha! You got me good I nearly peed!!!" I breathed out  in relief.

"For a moment there I thought there was an apocalypse or something hahaha.....Martyn?...Martyn you ok?" Martyn was moving closer to the window, his eyes didn't leave mine. He pulled himself through the window and fell to the floor.

"Martyn! Oh my god! What's wrong with your breathing?!" I immediately bent down to him and turned him over. His face was more of a whitey-grey colour is unnerving to watch his motionless eyes.

" an a-po-cal-ly-pse....." Martyn slurred out and his breathing slowed, i checked for his pulse on his right hand, it was very faint.

"Martin don't be ridi-....."

His heart beat stopped, his eyes looked into mine. He's scared...he was scared...his eyes drooped til his eyelids were shut and his mouth was slightly open so you could see his teeth.

"Martyn..." I whispered not believing the situation.

"Martyn....Hey Littlewood!..." I spoke a little louder.

"Martyn this isn't funny! You expect me to believe that there's an apocalypse happening?! Martyn ANSWER ME!!!" I raised my voice and shook him a little...was! it has to be a has to be...

"ghaghghgrarrh" A strange moan comes from his mouth, thank god he was just trying to scare me! And it worked to! Asshole near gave me a heart attack.

"Martyn that wasn't fu-AHHHH!!!" I scream as Martyn lunges for me grabbing my hand, I just notice his skin has dark yellow splotches on it, his face was now dead of emotion and his teeth were grimy, giving off a foul smell of death.

I kick his stomach and run to the middle of the room and turn around to pick up a chair, only to be grabbed on the leg from behind. I fall from under my feet and Martyn latches onto me with a vice-like grip! Martyn drops himself on top of me thrashing about. His mouth trying to latch onto my skin. Trying to hold his face away from me I look to my right and see an object beside me. Quickly I push him off and I grab the fire extinguisher that had been knocked down from the wall. I swung it into Martyn's arm and he lands on me again dazed but I manage to push him off before he can recover and grab onto the coffee table to hoist myself up. He grabs hold of my ankle and I shake vigorously until he loosens his grip and I kick his face, leaving him with a bloody nose but he doesn't seem to care or be in pain for that matter. I move away from him and grab the chair just as Martyn gets onto his feet. He runs for me.

"AAAHHHHH!!!!!!" I scream my lungs out hoping that someone would just help me already!!! Althoug I'm sure I heard banging on my door but I'm a little occupied, why the hell did I lock my door?! Oh yeah, recording...

I raised the chair up and slammed the chair leg into his head, Martyn fell but I don't stop myself from raising the chair up again, bringing it down into his skull, still he moves on the floor trying to get up. I lift the chair up and bring it down onto his head and hear a successful crack. I drop the chair after realising what I had just done.....

"" I slunk backwards til I hit the wall and slid down it. Bringing my knees up to my chest I let out a whimper and started to shake. It was just starting to sink in.....everything that had happened before me. The key things I know are that there is apparently a zombie outbreak, Martyn got bitten and I kil-............I killed Martyn Inthelittlewood......I killed one of my b-best fri-iends.....

I'm a murderer.....with this thought I place my head on my knees and curl into myself.

"HANNAH!!" suddenly Lewis's voice comes from the doorway, I locked the door when i started recording.

"AAAHHHH!!!" I hear Lewis screaming and the sound of the door coming off of its hinges, smacking onto the carpet with a thud.

"HANNAH!!!" Lewis practically deafened me with how loud he was, but I couldn't answer him....I was in full panic mode and I was in shock. I am now shaking frantically and I feel distant. I don't want to see Martyn's body, I don't want to see what I have done to him.

"HANNAH!!!" Lewis screams again but he sounds like he's panicking....I don't have the strength to speak to him, get his attention. All I can do is whimper quietly and shake, behind a chair...shielding me from reality, from life...from Martyn...

*15 minutes later*

"and that's what happened" I told the boys who seemed to be deep in thought. I got up and walked over to the sink, placing my mug in it and turning on the tap. I stood in silence leaning against the counter watching the water flow down the drain. Lewis puts a hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"Relax, Hannah. It wasnt your fault, but right now the best thing we can do is to warn the others. Whatever this is may not have reached them yet. The way best way to start off at the end is to prepare." Lewis told me, trying to comfort me, well it wasnt working. I didnt show him that I was scared, I didnt show any emotion. I feel sick.

"Well you guys go lock up the building and be quiet about it! If we have to prepare then get to it! Im gonna call the others, make sure they're okay..." I said trailing off uncertain of the fate of our friends. I hope for their sakes that they're alive...

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