Christmas Q&A

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Year 12 Questions:

Q: When did you start writing Year 12?

A: Well, I started working on Year 12 a little before I finished Year 6. I know, I know, I was definitely jumping the gun, but you would be surprised how often I wrote ahead, just within Year 6.

Q: How old were you when you starting writing it? 

A: I started Year 6 on my 14th birthday, and I cannot believe where it has gone. I appreciate all of you so much for sticking with me on this journey. I started Year 12 not all that long ago, so I was (and am) 15.

Q: If you could change one thing in your book what would it be?

A: I think one thing I would change... I can't limit it to one :) I would have to say all my typos, and errors. I remember when I first created Felisha I wanted her to be a completely ironic and sarcastic character. In doing so, I used "irony" when it wasn't remotely necessary. And little Tommy? I started this story with his name being Timmy... And having two Pauls, while in theory is interesting, it may seem confusing. For all of that I am sorry. They were all oversights. I am sorry for being so long winded on this answer :)

Asked by: @AlexisMartinez424

Commonly Asked Questions:

Q: How old is Felisha? Is she six?

A: No, Felisha, when Year 6 picks up, is actually 17. The synopsis was just a little bit f background knowledge.

Q: Why are the Year Rules so harsh?

A: I would love to explain this, but, only time will tell ;)

Q: Is this the sixth book?

A: Nope :) Year 6 was just the title. It is the first book.

Q: What is a LR-5?

A: A LR-5 is a futuristic tablet.

Q: Why did Felisha go from not wanting to be back with her family, to suddenly wanting to do anything to go back to them?

A: Desperation. That is the only word I have to describe Felisha's actions. And hope. Before considering Kane a way to get back to her family, she never had hope to be anything but a girl out on the streets. Once she had hope, as flimsy as it may have been, she latched on in, hoping to save herself and get back to her family.

Q: Is Felisha really that stupid? Why does she think her plan will work?

A: Again, desperation. Felisha is so desperate for her plan to work, that she doesn't see the flaws.

Q: Does Amelia get changed, or fed?

A: Yes :) I don't include that type of stuff, just because I don't think it adds to a book, aside from detail. But yes, rest assured that little Amelia gets clean diapers, and plenty of food.

Q: How did you come up with the idea for Year 6?

A: Ah, see this is a fun question. I did not wake up one morning with some brilliant idea. I did not have a life altering experience that led me to write a new story. I am a daydreamer. It was my 14th birthday, and I was sitting in my grandparent's home, on their stairs that lead to their basement. Suddenly, I imagined this girl, and this guy, discussing a society where everything was under such severe rules, that it was nearly impossible to make it. Felisha and Kane were born. And Year 6 became what you all know it as.

Q: Why do we have to wait until December 27th for Year 12?

A: I share a birthday with my book :) and I thought it would be special to publish the first bit on it's birthday. I also wanted some extra time so that I could get a good head star on Year 12 so my Year Movement doesn't have to wait so long for updates.

Q: Is there going to be a second book?

A: Yes :D Year 12, coming out December 27th, 2016.

I can't wait to share Year 12 with you guys soon! See you all in two days <3 Happy holidays!

-Sarah 32_books

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