Fire With Fire || Dance of The Sugar Plum Fairy

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d e c r e s c e n d o

[It.] : to gradually decrease in loudness

Andy paced the floor of the art room.

She was spending her first ever Christmas with Tahlie and had spent most of the most of December planning this date.

Thanks to Aphrodite, her blonde hair was in a high ponytail and she wore grey pants and a pink blouse. It was nothing special-she wasn't even wearing makeup-but she had to admit it was a change from her usual sweats and baseball tees.

Andy checked her watch once again.

Tahlie was five minutes late.

She sighed and continued to pace.

Tahlie rushed in, her chest heaving up and down as she panted. "Sorry," she said. "My mom called and I had to talk to her."

Tahlie's hair was in its usual wild corkscrew curls. She wore a red dress that flared out around her thighs. It was long sleeved with a v-shaped neckline. On her feet were bright gold flats.

Tahlie was still talking. "We got carried away and we were talking about me coming home for New Years and-"

"You look ravishing," Andy interrupted.

Colour was brought to Tahlie's dark cheeks. "Thank you," she said.

Andy leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "Happy Christmas."

Tahlie smiled and kissed Andy.

Andy put her hands on Tahlie's waist and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.

"Merry Christmas," Tahlie whispered, when they pulled away.

"Let's have a picnic shall we?" Andy asked.

"We shall," Tahlie replied.

Andy led her to the middle of the room, where a blanket was laid out along with a small cooler.

They sat down and Andy opened the cooler.

"What do we have?" Tahlie asked.

Andy listed the foods as she pulled them out. "Roast turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, stuffing, apple cider, Christmas pudding and gingerbread men."

Tahlie raised an eyebrow. "Christmas pudding?" she asked.

"You'll love it."

"Will I really?"

"I've been eating it every Christmas since I could remember," Andy said. "You'll love it."

"If you say so," Tahlie said, making a plate for herself.

"Sorry if it's a bit cold," Andy said and handed her a fork and knife.

"It's perfect," Tahlie said. "My mom and I have Chinese food every Christmas. This is my first actual home cooked meal on Christmas."

"That must be fun," Andy said. "The Chinese food I mean."

"It is," Tahlie said. She got a nostalgic look on her face. "We would sneak it into whatever movie was playing on Christmas day. How's your family at Christmas?"

"Crazy," Andy said. "My brothers and I help my mum cook dinner. All my relatives come over from England with all their kids, it gets completely mad."

Tahlie smiled. "That must be so much fun."

"It's brill," Andy said. "We watch movies and eat and laugh and talk."

"Thank you for spending Christmas with me instead of with your crazy huge family," Tahlie said.

Christmas KissesWhere stories live. Discover now