Chapter 26

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I just want to apologize for not updating like I promised..I didn't have time,I'm sorry like always..:/ But now I really promise you that I will finish this book surely.It will have (I think) 29 chapters + epilogue ..But that's just maybe! :) Now,enjoy! 


I was still sitting on that famous stone.I took the stick and with it slowly crossed the sand.The heart just doesn't know when its enough.Maybe its my fault because I'm attached to Liam,but... I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.I felt a strange smell.The scent of love,happiness,sadness,jealousy ...It all somehow got together and I did not know what to think.

I was trying to find every part of my happiness I had but memories covered my mind.One tear dropped down my face.Slowly,I hummed the song 'Moments'.I always get chills when I hear or sing the song because there are a lot of emotions.I decided to walk a bit.


I'm still lying in the tent.Danielle is still gone.I was worried but I couldn't get out because I didn't know what to say to her.Everything I say she gets wrong.In the end I decided to go and see where is she.To see if she's okay.I went out and I was not paying attention to Jessica so I didn't care if I woke her up when I got up.I followed her 'clues' which took me to a stone.

She wasn't there.

I looked around and saw her walking.Her hair fluttered lightly.How can she doubt me? Does she think that my feelings are not sincere? Sometimes I exaggerate,but she is also stubborn.I hate her stubbornness.She always thinks that's she is right.Maybe she loves me too much and some nonsense hurt her.Maybe she thinks that I can have any girl just because I'm famous and that she's just a toy...But she isn't.Nothing like that.I love her honesty and with every part of my heart,but she can't understand that.

Next to this stone was a stick and next to him some letters.I leaned forward to see better.It read: 'Love hurts'.I looked back in her direction,again in the words,and again in her,and in words.Looks like it really hurt.Again I looked in her direction.I noticed that she's staring and probably thinking and dreaming.Why is it so hard to figure out the words 'I love you', 'You mean everything to me,everything in the world' ...She sat down on the sand looking at the sky.


Again,my thoughts wandered somewhere deep.I had a feeling that I have the hole in my heart.A deep,dark hole that never ends.Suddenly I shivered.I felt something strange.As if someone is next to me.Like something for which I yearn just comes to me.Maybe I'm stupid.I know I'm stubborn,but that's how it is.Maybe I'm all wrong.

Behind me,I felt love.Strange? I turned and saw him.He began to sing:

'You know I'll be your life,your voice,

your reason to be.My love,my heart is breathing for this,

moments in time,I'll find the word to say

Before you leave me today ... '

In my mind I thought,'You must follow your heart' and I think this time it prevailed.

Is it stupid to run towards him and get a hug? That's all I want now.To hug him and never let go.I know I was stupid and overreacting,but still...I did it anyway.I hugged him tightly.Through me passed a thrill.

''What happened to you all of a sudden?''

''Just don't let me from your embrace.''

''I won't.'' He slowly hand over my hair.

Now I do not want to let what I have.I thought deep...As long as I have him I'm happy.Why would I be the one to blame for our happiness?


It's morning.I wake up in the Liam's arms.We fell asleep on the sand.Whenever I'm with him it's always beautiful.All night he was singing something and saying that he loves me.Why am I always a jerk? I always mess up something when I've got everything I need ... happiness and love.I always get something wrong.I always want something to be like how I imagined,and that's why its never good.This night was quite protracted,but maybe this was worth it.I managed to pull myself together and figure things out.

I was still lying there because I was lazy to get up.Yes,I had a sand in my clothes but that was nice.As I have said many times,with Liam I feel safe and protected.Suddenly I heard some voices.Slowly I turned around and saw Anne running towards us.

''Hey lovebirds..Or ,sandy sweethearts.Okay,this was stupid but I guess you have not slept here.'' She crouched down beside my head.

''We slept here,yes.'' She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

''Strange.I want to complain to you.''

''Oh..lets go for a walk then.'' I stood up.She went with me while I was cleaning of the sand.

''So what is it?'' When we were a little further I asked her.

''I hardly slept last night.There's two things,but the producer of them is my love.''


''Well,he first snored as abnormal and when he finally stopped,he began tossing around on those mats where we lay,and shouted 'Carrots,superman will save you.Wohoo! Liam doesn't have a turtle.I really laughed but he said some nonsense.''

I started laughing.Well this is funny I guess.

''And this is funny for you too because I didn't sleep?'' She put on a smile.

We returned slowly.When we arrived,we found the boys burying Liam while he sleeps like he's dead.I ran up there.Liam woke up and started yelling.

''Love,help me.''

''Sure,right now.'' I started to pretend to panic,but I wanted to make a fun a little bit.I went a little further and accidentally found a flag that I took.I walked up to Liam and put it in the sand and said,''Yees,the icing on the cake.''

''Come on I'll take this off of you,you know I love you.'' I bent down next to him and kissed him


I hope this was fun for you,I really enjoyed writing this chapter,especially the last part,aw they're so cute,I really ship #Diam.

I don't want to forget to say this so listen.Danielle in this story is not Danielle Peazer,Liam's ex girlfriend.I really suddenly gave her that name because I liked it,and Danielle is really beautiful name.So #Diam is not Danielle Peazer and Liam Payne.#Diam is Danielle Jackson and Liam Payne,ehh! :)

Also,please vote and comment,I'm finishing this story and I will really miss it :/ My #Diam feels!


NU : Sunday

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