Uh hi Adrien

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   "Awesome, why aren't you feeling awkward? I mean I am."I said slightly confused,

"Well, I guess it's because I suspected it was you. And plus, I'm a good actor"

"Ohh, are you gonna tell me who you are? If you don't I'm okay with it"

"Yeah, I think I should show you who I a-"I interrupted him,

"Umm, I think, uhhh... just leave it."


"Well, I'm not sure."

"But that wouldn't be fair"

"True, but... you know I'm okay with not knowing. I mean... it'd be cool, but just incase"

Adrien POV

I was confused, why didn't she want to know? I mean I'm curious isn't she? I left it at that cause she started to seem uncomfortable

"So now what?" I asked

"Not sure... wanna play a game?"

"Uhh sure" we played a few games but it was getting late so I left, she was cool 😎, my heart speeded once, and I know what that means that happens to me with Ladybug, I know im falling for her, but I need to stop.

Time skip to school (y/n) POV

I was heading to class when Adrien stopped me,"Hey y/n"

"Hi Adrien, what happened, why'd you stop me?"

"Wanna come over after school?"

"Uhh yeah sure" I smiled at him, he smiled back. Then all of a sudden a girl with blonde hair with blue eyes comes, I think her name was Chloe, "Hi adrikins, uhh , what are you doing hanging around with her? I told you not too again."
Adrien POV

Chloe came and as soon as she said that y/n seemed sad, why wasn't she defending herself, I mean she looks confident she beat up that man bare handed,

"Uh sorry Chloe, I didn't know" y/n said

"Really. Well, now you know let's g-"

"Uhh Chloe, not trying to be rude but, I want to hang with her." She blushed

"Look what you did to Adrikins ugh" she left I asked y/n why she didn't defend herself?

"Hey y/n why didn't you defend yourself I mean you defended the man from the guy" she looked at me with her e/c eyes confused,

"Umm how did you know only Chat Noir was there.."

Omg I forgot I wasn't there "ohh umm me and chat are close, and he told me about you"

"Ohh, yeah, umm I didn't defend myself because I didn't need to, I mean she's a classmate she wasn't really harming anyone"

"Ohh, true, but you can't just let her do that. I mean, it's true she wasn't harming physically but she was doing it mentally"

"Yeah but I'm fine, thanks for defending me though" she smiled warmly


My heart started racing fast once he said I want to hang with her I knew what that meant... sadly I know love hurts, even when you try not to make it hurt.

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