I Hate Coffee

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At first the coffee cup just slightly tipped and it almost looked as if it were going to fall back into place. But it was then that the man's arm reached out as he tried to settle the cup when he accidentally sent the whole tray flipping out of his hand.

Then suddenly, with no time to even blink, the coffee came falling downward. It hit my shirt just enough to send the top flying off and allowing the contents of the cup to spill out on to the front of my white sweater.

By the time the cup actually hit the pavement, I had a nice, big, brown, fresh stain that smelled of coffee up and down my entire front.

Did I happen to mention, I hate coffee.

"I am so sorry!" Yelled an all to familiar voice.

I looked away from the horrors of my shirt, to find the face of the culprit.

I observed the same pale faced and defined features I had seen just the day before. It was Mason, except this time his cool composure I remember from yesterday was replaced with a frantic, hectic boy with cheeks a vibrant red. He looked so much more real now. Take away his charismatic aura and the business background and it was like I was seeing a stranger.

"Gabby! I can't- I didn't mean to."

"No, it's okay. It's fine. It was my fault."

"I can't believe I dropped it, it just happened. I am so, so sorry!"

Then it was as if the surprise of the moment had faded away, and Mason was falling back into his character. Before I knew it I was being escorted inside, and sat down at a back table away from other customers.

"I can't begin to say how sorry I am. Here," He pulled off his black jacket in one motion. "Wear this, it'll cover the spillage."

"No, it's fine." I tried to wave away the jacket, but I didn't do much because suddenly it was being draped over my shoulders.

"I'll buy you a new shirt. There's a nice store up the street we can go to."

"You don't have to buy me anything, really. I didn't look where I was going."

This really took a turn, didn't it? I don't think I've worn another boy's jacket since my senior prom with Mr. Gullible.

"No, I'm buying you a new shirt and that's the end of that."

Yes, this definitely was the Mason I knew from yesterday. He's considerate and kind, but also direct and unwavering in his ways.

We sat there in an uncomfortable silence before he finally excused himself to use the bathroom. So I was alone again, sitting in the booth of a coffee shop, on a date, with the guy who just spilled his drink all over me.

The smell of coffee beans hung in the air and the whole place was far to warm. Or maybe it was just the strange sensation of my coffee-soaked sweater rubbing against my bare skin. Either way, I already wanted to go back home.

What did I really expect? A fairy tale coffee date with prince charming? I must've forgotten a few important details waking up this morning. That for one, I met Mason yesterday, and two, this is the REAL world. Even this close to Christmas reality still sucks. I'm such an idiot.

It's fine. I'll just suffer through this and get back home. Then, I'll send the mysterious card board box back to it's owner and return to the way everything was before the terrible holiday season came and took my life for a spin. Just a few more never ending weeks to get through, and everything will be back to normal.

Mason walked up then, returning to his side of the two person booth. When he sat down, a forced smile played on his lips, and I did my best to replicate the gesture.

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