Chapter Two: Kidnapped On The First Day (Part 2)

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  (A/N: Hey, everyone. Part 2 is finally out. So I'm just going to say that I'm going to be really busy trying to edit this stuff. So it's going to be a while. So if I did something wrong and need to edit more, please leave a comment below! Let's go. Enjoy!)

  Itona looked at Koro-sensei. "Winner takes all, loser dies, big bro." You watched sensei change from being positive to frightened in ten seconds. You had a bad feeling about this. "We siblings have to keep it real. No tricks, no brawl, just the two of us. After school, we face off in this classroom."

  He started dragging you out of the classroom. 'Why is he still holding my hand? His grip is too tight.' Before you could protest against the strong, make the teacher spoke up for you. "Excuse me, Itona, but Y/n stays here so she can learn today." Itona stared at the male creature for a moment before letting go of your hand and walking up to sensei. "Also, if I win. I get to take my mate home with me forever, but if you win, she gets to be your mate. Bye."

  And with that, he walked out of the room. There was a long silence as everyone stared at you and sensei before they all started screaming different questions at both of you. "WHAT IS GOING ON, SIR?! WHY DID HE SAY YOU WERE BROTHERS?! ALSO, WHY DID HE SAY Y/N WAS HIS MATE!? HOW CAN AN OCTOPUS AND A PERSON COME FROM THE SAME MOM!?" Koro-sensei tried to answer the last question.

  "I HAVE NO EARTHLY IDEA! THAT BOY IS CLEARLY CONFUSED! I WAS RAISED AN ONLY CHILD!" All the students got quiet and listened. "When I asked for siblings, my parents gave me a talking to about the birds and the bees." 'Wait, Koro-sensei had parents?' Then all the students shifted their gaze to you. "Then explain why he said Y/n is his mate!"

  Koro-sensei was deep in thought but then got an idea. "Hey, Ritsu, do you know anything about (Y/n)'s past in your record's?" She looked at him and smiled. "Of course, I do, sensei! I can't tell you in front of the class, though, since this is personal classified information." The whole class looked at you. You could only look down at the ground. It seemed there would be questions later today.


  Itona came back for learning, and soon it was launch time. You sat alone eating you bento with rice. The blue-haired boy, redhead devil, and the green-haired girl came over. The boy in blue spoke first. "Hi, my name is Nagisa Shiota. This is Karma Akabane." He pointed to the redhead. "And this is Kayano Kaede."

  He points to the girl next to him. "So, since when were you and Itona mates?" Karma asked. You didn't want to talk about this. It was confusing, and trying to remember something you didn't even believe in gave you headaches. "I don't remember. I lost my memory when I was 12, so I don't know."

  Just then, Itona came up and started dragging you away. You started to protest again before Koro spoke up. "Itona, bring her back this instant young man! Class is about to start." People were comparing Koro-sensei and Itona by everything they had, but the thing was that Itona wouldn't stay away from you. Every minute he was next to you like a loyal guard dog. Finally, the class was over, and it was time for the fight.

  All the desks were pushed to the side so all of the students could watch from behind them. The women whom you learned to be bitch-sensei looked around the room. "This place looks like an arena." The man next to her responded. "Yeah, fit for a honest deathmatch. It's the first time I have seen an assassin take this approach."

  The feeling you had earlier had become stronger by the minute. Then it hit you. Itona wasn't a normal kid. 'He has tentacles like sensei, but where.' Shiro started talking to Koro-sensei. "Surely by now, you're tired, plucking overly complicated attempts on your life, so let's confine ourselves to one rule." You started to get agitated with your thoughts as you scanned Itona.

  'Damn it. They have to be somewhere on his body.' Shiro continued. "Set foot outside the desk boundary, and your life is forfeit. Agreed?" You heard a classmate speak. "Oh yeah, sure, whatever, as if the loser is going to stick to that without any issues." Karma then spoke.

  "They will. Koro-sensei is all about how his students see him remember? He'll abide by the rules out of the sense of honor. Cheating would risk throwing shame on his reputation with us." You looked at the male before backing to the scene in front of you. "I hope you're right, Karma. I sense something bad, but I don't know what it is."

  Suddenly sensei yelled out to Shiro. "Very well, sir. I agree to your rule, but let's include another. Injuring any spectators also counts as a forfeit." Shiro replied. "Agreed. Commence on my signal. Assassination..." The cloaked male raised his hand as everyone waited in anticipation.

  "Begin!" Suddenly Koro-sensei's arm tentacle fell off in a flash. 'What in the hell!' Everyone looked in astonishment. "Impossible." Everyone stared at the boy as he had tentacles grow from his hair in an instant. 'They were on his head!?' You thought before pain erupted in your head. Suddenly a memory appeared before your eyes.


  "(Y/n)!" A boy that appeared to be Itona ran towards you as you felt lighter. Immediately you realized you were falling from a tree. "ITONA!" you screamed, closing your eyes and prepared for impact. But the contact and pain never came.

  'What the?' As you slowly opened your eyes, they revealed something you never thought could be ever possible. "Are you okay (Y/n)?" The boy asked as you froze in shock. 'GREY TENTACLES!? HE HAS TENTACLES COMING FROM HIS HAIR?! OH MY GOD, THEY ARE TOUCHING ME!' The grey limbs were wrapped around your body and hold you securely in the air.

  He brought you closer to him and gently put his forehead against yours. "What's wrong? Your face is red. You don't seem to have a fever, and you aren't harmed." You snapped out of your thoughts and looked into his captivating golden irises.

  "I-I'm fine. Thank you for saving me. C-Can you put me down please?" The male would slowly nod with a sad expression on his face. "Of course." As he settled you onto the ground, his tentacles started to retreat into his hair. Suddenly without thinking, you grabbed one of them. Your thoughts became words as he stared at you in shock.

  "It's so soft and smooth. For some reason, i'm not scared even though I should be. I guess i'm not scared is because I know you wouldn't harm me. These tentacles are so gentle..." You looked at him and smiled after you said that. Before you could process what was happening, you were lifted off the ground and flown into an embrace, feeling something wet on your shoulder a few minutes later.

  "Itona... are... are you crying?" He kept his head in the crook of your neck as his tears fell onto your shoulder. You slowly hugged him and let those tears flow onto your now wet shoulder. "Shhh, I'm here. I won't ever leave you. That's a promise." You gently rubbed his back as you hugged him, trying to comfort the sobbing child.

(End of flashback)

To be continued...

(Part 3 coming soon!)

Word count: 1307

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