Chapter Four: To Remember As An Assassin

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((Y/n)'s POV)
  "I'm almost to the location where I need to study Koro-sensei." 'It's been four months since I was taken in by Shiro. I can't remember who I am or what I did before I met him in his lab. My mission is to study everyone in E-class.' As you ran through the woods you came to the edge and saw your destination. 'Hmm... Seems like they are training with anti-sensei knives.' Suddenly I see a boy being blocked by a teacher and he hits the ground.

  'Ouch. That has to hurt.' You then see a male with equipment meet the gym teacher. 'Damn it. If only I could get closer. I can't hear a bloody thing. I have to stay out here for a couple of day's before I can return. This is being an assassin. All those test's will not be wasted.'

  As you watched a picnic was set up. "Something isn't right here. That man seems a little off..." "Well you are correct on one thing.." You whipped around to find a red haired boy there. 'When did he get there!?' "The guy is a little off but I can't stick around to find out."

  He came too close for comfort. As you tried to run he grabbed your hands and pinned them on a tree. "You've been gone for a while and may have forgotten my name. I am Karma Akabane. I'm one of the students in class E-3, and telling by your face you have lost some memories perhaps?" "How did you-" "It was easy. The look in your eyes are way different from back then."

  You looked at him in confusion. He sighs. "Well I guess I'll be going for now, but (Y/n), working for that man is not the way to assassinate our teacher." As he said that he walked away. You looked back at the school. 'What did he mean by that?' Just then you saw the new guy kick a student in the guts.

  "Oh shit. That's must be painful." As you watched them, the man hit a female student, causing her to fly and hit the ground. 'He's a fucking women beater...' Then the students gym teacher ran out to the injured female. You watched a red octopus walk up to the women beater.

  'That must be Koro-sensei. He does look like an octopus.' You giggled at him. "Well it's time to take a nap." As you settled onto a tree branch you started to plan for a way to get closer.


  After an hour of snapping and planning you was ready. You looked to see all the kids doing squats. "Perfect no one is looking. Now is my chance." You traveled a little to the left so you was out of sight in the forest. 'Three. Two. One. GO!'

  You ran across the open area as fast as you could. Once you made it to the building undetected you went to the corner and watched from there. 'I can finally hear them.' "This isn't freaking funny." "three hundred squats we're going to die!" A girl called for someone but you didn't hear his name.

  Then the fat man came in front of her popping his knuckles. "Watch it. Karasuma ain't part of our family doll face. Someone needs a lesson. Disrespecting daddy makes him very angry!" "Ahh!" Suddenly the man named Karasuma holds back the mans fist from hitting the girl.

  'Kill that bastard!' The teacher spoke. "That's enough. If you hurt these kids, you will have to answer to me." You noticed something looking your way and it was no other than that yellow octopus. You didn't pay attention to him and continued to observe. "Ah.. There it is. I was wondering when you was going to throw your chips in old buddy." 'This man is sick.'

  "What's the big deal? Who are you to criticize how I teach? If this is something you and me need to settle like men then I'm up for the challenge. Just remember we're teachers first." 'I will kick his ass if someone doesn't do it first.' Then you notice a boy with his blue hair. "Hhmm. Why does he seem familiar..." Suddenly your head started to hurt again as a vision crossed your sight.

                   (Flash back)
  It was lunch time and you sat alone eating your bento with rice. A blue haired boy, a red head boy, and a green haired girl came over. The boy in blue spoke first. "Hi my name is Nagisa Shiota. This is Karma Akabane." He pointed to the red head. "And this is Kayano Kaede." He pointed to the girl next to him.

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