Thanksgiving one-shot: Thanks for Thanksgiving (2016)

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Tyler walked past the stores in the center of the big town he lived in, shivering from the early winter cold. He wrapped his arms around himself more as his teeth chattered and his body was trembling because of how cold he was.

He should've brought a jacket, he thought to himself. He let out a sigh as he kept walking, the autumn leaves crushing under his feet.

He wiped the tears from his cheeks hastily.

"Don't cry", he muttered to himself. "Don't. Cry. Stop it. It's not any different than last time", he said, but it didn't work. His tears kept rolling down.

"Hey!" Someone spoke up. Tyler looked up.

A guy with green hair and a SnapBack on spoke up. He carried a bag of groceries with him. His twinkly brown eyes with furrowed eyebrows looked at him, concerned.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked worriedly.

"Me? Oh yeah. Better than ever", Tyler sniffed with a smile.

"You're cold", Josh noted. He took off his jacket.

"Oh no you don't have to, I'm fine", Tyler said as he raised his hands up in front of him.

"C'mon, you're freezing", Josh said as he held his jacket open.

Tyler bit his lip as he thought about it. The jacket did look very warm and welcoming and soft.

He hesitantly slipped his arms through the arm sleeves. Josh zipped the jacket up.

The jacket was too big on Tyler, covering his hands and it came all the way up to Tyler's nose when it was zipped up completely. He nuzzled his nose against the soft fabric as he looked up at Josh with big eyes, not knowing what to expect was gonna happen after that.

"What happened? Can I do anything for you? Can I bring you home?" Josh asked.

"No! No", Tyler exclaimed as he shook his head.

The word 'home' already made him anxious.

Josh frowned. "What's your name?" He asked.

"T-Tyler", Tyler muttered.

"Tyler? I love that name", Josh smiled. Tyler blushed. "My momma came up with it. And you?" Tyler asked. "Josh", he told him.

Tyler smiled a bit. Josh could see it by the way his eyes squinted closer just a little bit.

"Let's go sit down for a minute, yeah?" Josh proposed. Tyler nodded and they walked to a bench. They sat down and Josh placed the groceries besides him on the bench.

"Can you tell me what happened, Tyler?" Josh asked.

"Not sure if you really want to know what happened to me", Tyler chuckled. "You really don't want to get to know me", he said.

"Actually, I do", Josh told him. Tyler could hear and see the sincerity in his voice and eyes.

"My dad, he ehm... He kicked me out", Tyler let out a laugh. "Like he's done with every holiday for the past seven years, and sometimes regular days too. Pretty often, actually", Tyler chuckled as more tears started to stream down his face.

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