Christmas one-shot 2: Christmas Clumsiness (2016)

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"Tyler, go get the orders of table 26! They've been here for ten minutes already and still no one asked what they want to drink!" Tyler's boss ordered.

"Y-yes sir I-I'm on my way! Right away!" Tyler said as he put the empty plates he collected down and nodded at his boss. He quickly made his way back into the restaurant and zigzagged through the tables and coworkers on his way to table 26.

He tripped over a table leg and saw his world flash by in front of his eyes, before two arms caught him.

"Ty, you're so nervous. C'mon, calm down, you're doing great so far", his best friend, who insisted he'd apply for the same job as a waiter in the same restaurant, told him. "Besides, it's the busiest day of the year", he added.

"I know, Mikey, I know. I just know that he's gonna fire me after today and I don't want to be fired already", Tyler muttered.

"It's only your third day! Now calm down and take a deep breath. You're doing great and I know you can do it, okay?" He said.

"Okay, yeah, I'll try", Tyler muttered.

Mikey gave him an assuring hug, before continuing what he was supposed to do, and so did Tyler. He arrived at table 26.

"Hello I'm so sorry you had to wait-" he started as he tried to get the small notebook and pen out of his pocket, wrinkling the first few pages. He clicked on the pen to open it, but dropped it to the floor.

"Oh god I'm so stupid I'm so sorry", he muttered as he squatted down, he grabbed the pen and got up. "Can I-" he started as he looked to the people at the table for the first time, and stopped talking.

He was met with gorgeous brown eyes that belonged to a guy with a red fading to a brownish orange, fluffy mohawk. He looked at Tyler expectantly.

Tyler quickly regained himself. "W-what would you like to d-drink?" Tyler asked as his hand with the pen between his fingers trembled.

"I'll have an ice tea sparkling, please", the guy spoke, and it was the most beautiful sentence Tyler had every heard. He nodded and started writing down the order, misspelling the word three times, before dropping his pen again.

But this time, the guy caught it for him. He looked up at Tyler and gave it back.

"Hey, Tyler, you don't have to be nervous. It's okay", the guy smiled gently at him.

"H-how do you know my n-name?" Tyler stuttered confusedly.

"Name tag", the guy said. "O-oh yeah of course", Tyler stuttered as he nervously adjusted his red and green striped bow tie that was a part of his uniform, as well as the white button down blouse and black jeans with dress shoes. "It's so hot it here", Tyler mumbled as he wiped the few droplets of sweat off his forehead.

"Y-you wanted a sparkling ice tea right sir?" Tyler muttered.

"Call me Josh. And yeah, that's right", the guy smiled. Tyler blushed. "A-alright, Josh", he smiled shyly. Then he continued taking the other orders and he wrote them down.

"W-would you like to have some baguette w-with garlic butter free o-off charge t-to go along w-with it?" Tyler stuttered.

"We would love some, wouldn't we?" The girl next to the guy, who was apparently called Josh, said with a smile as she rested her head on Josh's shoulder. Tyler bit his lip as he looked at her. Girlfriend, his head screamed.

"Tyler? You okay?" Josh asked, snapping Tyler out of his thoughts. "W-what?" Tyler asked.

"I said that we'd really like to have some", Josh said.

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