Easter one-shot: Egg Hunt (Part 1+2) (2016)

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"Zacky, Jay, don't run off", Tyler warned them as he walked to the park, holding his little sister Maddy's hand.

Tyler was seventeen years old, and had three young siblings because his mother got remarried.

Zachary and Jay were fraternal twins. They were both ten years old. Maddy, his little sister, was seven years old.

"We won't, Tyty!" Zacky said as he held the hand of his twin brother, walking a few feet in front of Tyler and Maddy.

"Are you excited to search for the Easter eggs, honey?" Tyler asked Maddy. Maddy nodded heavily, tightly holding on to her own personal Easter basket.

They reached the park. A lot of parents with their children and older siblings of the young children were already there, running around and trying to find as much eggs as possible. They just started, so Tyler decided to release his siblings immediately.

"Go search for the Easter eggs, guys! Zacky, Jay, stay with Maddy!" Tyler said. He watched his siblings run off together, ready to collect some Easter eggs.

Two little girls, with beautiful red hair, and one little boy with brown hair, ran past Tyler, slightly startling him. He hadn't seen them coming, but he wasn't gonna complain either.

The kids were having fun, and that's all that mattered.

They ran after each other to one of the Easter bunnies, calling out a name Tyler couldn't quite understand, because they were too far away.

He smiled at how happy the three of them were, hugging one of the bunnies.

Then, the bunny looked up and Tyler's eyes widened.

He knew that guy.

He was one of the most popular kids in his school.

And Tyler's biggest bully.

What his name was? Tyler had no idea.

But what he knew, was that Tyler had been eyeing the boy for a while now. He checked him out a lot. Even though he bullied Tyler.

And now he was a pink, fluffy bunny with bunny ears and a bunny tail.

Tyler smirked devilishly.

He could take advantage of this.

He walked up to the fluffy creature.

When the boy spotted Tyler, he closed his eyes and face palmed himself.

"Hey there, big, fluffy, pink Easter bunny", Tyler started.

"Oh my god you've got to be kidding me. What are you doing here, fucker? Do you have younger siblings or what? I should've known at least one person in school had young siblings", he said.

"Yep, you could've guessed it. Good thing it's me, huh?" Tyler smiled triumphantly.

"Listen, asshole", the boy hissed. "If you tell anyone at school about this, you're a dead man, you heard me?", he said to Tyler.

Tyler pouted. "Aw, that's not a nice way to talk to people, Easter bunny. Easter bunnies don't talk like that. I suggest you watch your tongue and give my little sister, the girl over there, a few extra chocolate eggs. Y'know, to make up for it", Tyler said.

"No fucking way, douchebag", Josh snapped.

"Oh that's too bad. It'd be a shame if I'd have to take a picture of you in your cute pink fluffy bunny costume and hang it all around school", Tyler said.

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