Chapter 1

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"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." -Arthur C. Clarke

Mildred Allister, but please call her Mille, quietly unlocked the large oak doors to the Price County Library every morning at precisely seven a.m. She would then turn on the light switch, turn on the sole-standing computer at her desk, and look longingly at the seat next to her's, wishing someone would be interested in helping her run this god awful library.

She never knew the woman that previously sat at that desk. She barely knew anyone in town for that matter. It seemed that no one came and no one left, and anyone who was already here was not open to newcomers. There was a club for retired women that volunteered three times a week at the library, and while they stocked the shelves, they would whisper "Isn't she a little young for this job?" or "Does she even know anyone here?" or "What kind of degree has you end up as a librarian in this town?" She would pretend not to hear their impolite whispers because she wondered the same thing.

It was nearing the time that the ladies would be coming in. Millie dreaded having to order around women 35 years her senior, she never liked having all that power, even if it was over middle-aged women. The old oak doors creaked open and she looked up from her computer to find... not the ladies.

The calm was sucked out of the atmosphere and was replaced with chaotic frenzy. His voice boomed through the bookcases and his shoes striked the floor with a sense of anger. He looked powerful. He looked like he didn't belong here.

Upon his arrival, Millie felt her heart begin to race. Her eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his perfectly crisp cut blonde hair, down the navy and white stripes of his business suit, to his perfectly polished shoes. The closer he came, the better she could view him. His eyes cold, were a mix of blues and greys that resembled a stormy sky. Plum bags hung under them, aging him quite a bit, but he couldn't be much older than her nonetheless.

When he saw her, he scowled, making Millie rearrange her handmade knit sweater out of self-consciousness. He approached the desk and tapped his long, slender fingers across the top of it making a pitter patter sound.

"Are you Mildred Allister?" He said in a cool tone.

"Yes," she managed to cough out.

He looked at her with annoyance before reaching into his cross body bag and handing her a pile of papers. She looked at the papers then back up at him.

Confused, she said, "I don't understand."

"If you would actually read the papers before looking at me like you know absolutely nothing, then you'd know that I'm Easton Henry, the new owner of this library. These are your new employee guidelines," he spat.

"Oh," was all she managed to cough out.

He rolled his eyes before turning on his heel to walk out the door. "Have these filled out by tomorrow."

She scowled to herself as Easton strode out the door and the judgemental group of ladies came in.

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