It All Started with the Dare

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Draco's Pov

Is it my fault that i was blackmailed by Pansy to finally make a move on Potter. No absolutly not but she just wouldn't take no for an answer. It was the last year I would have with him. Im just lucky they decided to let us redo our 7th year. Some students including me were helping to repair the school for the next year. And since life is always against me, it happened to be Harry's birthday week. Everybody was throughing him a birthday party. Of course i was the only one not invited.

I was sitting at a table by myself eating lunch when Pansy sat down beside me.

"Hey Draco. Why aren't you preparing for the party?"

"I wasn't invited," i said trying to hide the tears i had been sheding long before she had sat down but it didnt work.

"Hey. Its okay. When have you ever needed to be invited to a party? I think you should just gatecrash the party. You know what. I dare you to go to the party and give him a present."

"What?! I cant do that!"

"Oh yes you can and you are. If you dont trust me. There will be deadly consequences."

I believed her.

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