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Y/N: whaa.... i have been out for a long time. 

jungkook: y/n, you know how i said that i could smell faint silver. ( quiet) 

Y/N: yeah, but how can you?? you are half blood?? 

jungkook: the reason why i can is because of my father was the leader of the Jeon clan and he had heighten senses. so that is the reason why i could smell the sliver. 

Y/N: what about the other??

jungkook: i have smell that is why i could smell the silver. hoseok has speed (sigh) he always beats us at races, namjoon has hearing its a pain when you try to have a privet convo with someone, taehyung has sight he can see pray further than we can its very handy, jin has smarts and he thinks he knows it all, yoongi has strength he can pick up twice his size its amazballs, and jimin has size everything is bigger except...(coughs) but anyways you have them all.

i am sitting there still trying to collect everything and trying to memorize them too.

jungkook: are you okay??

i am so caught in thought that i don't hear him. he taps my shoulder, it brings me back to reality.

Y/N: what?? 

jungkook: are you okay??

Y/N: yes i am 

jungkook: jihyo is coming 

i lay down and make it look like i am still out, and it...... fails ( sigh) 

jihyo: stop faking

Y/N: dang..... i thought that i could get away with it ( pouting) 

jihyo: nothing passes through me honey.

jungkook: she is right nothing passes through her. she knows EVERYTHING!!! ( arms out wide) 

jihyo: why don't you come down stairs now that you are awake.

Y/N: before i do can i talk to you, jihyo??

jungkook goes and joins the others.

jihyo: yeah what is it??

Y/N:  what was that medicine that you gave me??

jihyo: it was a special mixture of milk water.

Y/N: so... what does it do??

jihyo: it cancels out the silver poisoning 

Y/N: wow.. i never knew such things could so much.

jihyo: you had a lot of silver in you, we were not sure if it would work or not. we better get down before breakfast is gone.

jihyo and i left the room to join the others. when we got there everyone was already eating.

jiyoung: come join us before it is gone.

we got to the table. jihyo sat next to jiyoung and i sat next to namjoon. they were all revealed when they saw me come down the stairs. 

namjoon: how do you feel?? 

Y/N: i feel alive

they giggle at my words 

jin: well it is a good thing that you feel alive.

jimin: she must be hungry, lets let her eat. 

after he said that we all started to eat. everyone was talking an laughing. after we were done eating everyone went outside and was jumping and playing. energy was flowing through me and i wanted to play but jihyo would not let me. 

Y/N: CAN I GO! I REALLY WANT TO GO!!! ( hyper) 

jihyo: no you need to let your body rest.

Y/N: i was resting for two days i think that my body has rested enough. 

she did not have a counter attack to my comment. SHE. WAS. STUMPED.

jihyo: fine( sigh) 

Y/N: YEAH!!!!

i quickly run outside and start running and playing with the others 

New Beginnings BTS [FF] werewolfHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin