Pain in the Past

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It was happening. The conspiracy, it was true.


I gasped. I was in pain, horrible pain. I gasped for air, for my lungs to soak it in. Every breath was like running a mile, non-stop, for me. Everything was so complicated. Darkness spread across my eyes...


"So... Scarrrrrrlllleeettt..." the demonic creature placed its hideous nails on my shoulder, "Are you enjoying my company? Who isn't enjoying my company?" It walked around me, it's eyes crazily staring at every, awaiting an answer.

"No? Well... you better get used to it, you're going to be seeing me for a long time," It smiled.

I strained my lips, to make them come apart. But no avail. Instead, more blood leaked from the wounds.

The demon has started to look more skinny, and pale. Its veins were popping out of its skin, lips were blue, and its bones were visible as if they were coming out of its hands.

It smacked its lips.

"One of you will have to die if the other wants to live," it said. The demon's grey eyes travelled through all of us as if finding someone eligible to die.

Suddenly, its eyes stopped at James, the tallest boy in the class.

"Mmmmmmm...." it said, in pleasure.

It stretched its arm out. James winced. The demon laughed. It slowly curled its fingers and as it did, James covered his eyes with his hands. Through his stitched lips, James let out a cry. Blood started dripping from where his hands were. Soon, the demon made a fist, and let go. As it did that, he collapsed. Empty, bloody sockets were where his blue eyes used to be. His veins were hanging out, lifeless, as if his eyes had been pulled out. Blood continuously dripped from his eyes.

Another drop of blood fell from the demons eye and once again, it licked it off.

Claire cried until she had no tears left. She and James had something going on between them, and now, he was on the floor, lifeless.

Now the demon was a bit more lively, it was now more grey than yellow.

Suddenly, Claire started to cough, she was coughing up blood, she was weak. The blood that she coughed was leaking through the stitches. Everyone huddled around her, trying to help her. Soon, she stopped coughing, she needed to relax.

We all turned around again, it was gone.


I fiddled with my sewing. Finding a place where it was loose. Somewhere that I could pull it out from. I opened my backpack and pulled out my pencil case. I got my scissors and used them to cut the sewing. It was now cut in half. I pulled one strand out. It was so painful. I winced. Slowly, I pulled the other out. I sighed in relief.

"Guys," I whispered, "Use these scissors to open up your stitches, slowly."

Everyone was lying on the floor, they were all exhausted.

Soon, everyone managed to open up their stitches. Some cried in pain, others were relieved.

Claire woke up, she looked around, "Guys? Does anyone know where Anastasia is?"

Everyone looked around. Now that we come to think of it, she hadn't come to class.

"Maybe she..... passed.." Josh suggested.

"Oh," Claire seemed to be getting used to people dying, "Maybe."

She didn't look very sad.

"Um- Scarlet? You can talk to us." Harry said.

I raised my eyebrow.

"I mean, usually, you didn't talk, ever. But, maybe now, you need to, for all of us."

He was right. Because of me, we could end up in worse situations. I had to change. Before I was just being antisocial, but now it's just me being stubborn. This isn't socialising, because we're in a situation between life and death.

"Okay," I smiled.

Every move of our mouths was painful. Very painful.

"What did she mean by us 'playing a game with the entire school'?" Claire wondered.

"She?" I asked.

"Yeah, wasn't it obvious, she had long brown hair and a like seven different female voices talking together."

"Yeah!" Harry exclaimed.

Hmm, that was reasonable... I mean, she did look like a female too.

"I think what she meant was that we are going to be encountering a very, very dangerous task soon, and it will be something related to the game, Hide and Seek," I said.

Everyone paused for a moment to think about what I said.

"We're going to get killed," Harry sighed.

"Well then, get ready to hide," Josh said.


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