The Plan

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"What?" Scarlet exclaimed.
"Well, I don't know if this will work," Riley said shyly, "But Anna wanted Scarlet, right? Since the beginning, Anna wanted Scarlet to help her out. Well, maybe we can give her that."
Everyone nodded, listening carefully to the plan.
Riley explained.
"That could work," Harry said.
"But it's risky... it might not work," Brandon argued.
"You both are right," Scarlet said, "But this is our only choice... we've got nothing else to do."
"So," Josh said, "Lets prepare."


"So you know what to do, right?" Scarlet questioned Josh.

"Yes," Josh replied confidently.


"Yup," Harry smiled.

"Kay, good, I'm confident that Riley and Claire know roles?" Scarlet looked towards the duo.

They smiled an assuring smile.

"And, is everything ready?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Scarlet smiled, weakly.

Josh put an assuring hand on her shoulder, "You'll be fine."

Scarlet smiled back. If this didn't work, they would die, all of them. After all this time, they were always so scared. They let Anna dominate them. Not this time.

Scarlet walked forward, letting Josh's hand fall next to him. She turned back, to smile at everyone, and walked out of the back door which lead to a grassed square. She began to think hard, meditate.

Anna. Come. I have learnt my lesson. I want to work with you.

There was no reply.

Anna. Please. I am willing to do your bidding. I am happy to give my entire life in your name. Please.

Scarlet was making it as cheesy as possible. Perhaps buttering her would lead her to Scarlet?


There was a loud zap, and before Scarlet stood Anna. Now looking hungrier and uglier than ever. Her eyes were scarlet red, and her back was hunched. Her long arms were now skinner, and her white gown hung loosely on her shoulders. Her black hair was almost up to her hips.

"Scarlet," She smiled hideously.

"Lady Anna," Scarlet said, bowing.

"Ahh..." he said, swiftly gliding towards Scarlet, "Finally, have you decided to surrender?"

"Yes, I would like to ask for your forgiveness, seeing that I took so long to realise your greatness," Scarlet spoke.

"It's alright, it happens, people do get blinded by their foolish mortal relatives, but you're intelligent, you broke out of this mortal world."

Scarlet smiled awkwardly.

"Now join me! Our alliance will soon help the world realise their foolishness, and everyone will be with us!" She spoke, raising her arms trying to emphasise her point.

"Of course," Scarlet said, bowing even lower.

Anna smiled, putting a hand on Scarlet's shoulder, "Do you really think that I'm that stupid?" Her facial expression changed to an angry one, "Foolish mortal! Trying to trick me! Lady Anna! You will die!"

She pushed Scarlet, which forced her on her knees and began dragging her by the neck. Her long nails were wrapped around Scarlet's small neck, and were gripping hard. Scarlet was wincing, her knees were bleeding, and her neck hurt. She tried to push Anna away from her, but no avail.

After a few minutes, Anna dropped Scarlet onto a concrete ground. Scarlet slowly looked up, and looked to what looked like an offering place. It was completely different to Claire's offering. There was a large wooden box, which was covered in a red cloth. In the large box was a small hole, a round the size of a head. Above was a large post, to which was attached a big blade. The blade was sloped.

"So..." Anna said, rubbing her hands together, "You wanted to join me? Well here you are."

She snapped her fingers and Scarlet was in the box, her throat and the knife only a few meters away.

"Goodbye Scarlet. See you soon." With that Anna let go of a rope, and the last thing that Scarlet saw was a large blade head her way. She fainted.


(AN: This is what happened, with the others.)

This was just as they had planned. To Scarlet, this was all a backfire. To her the plan had failed. If they told her, she wouldn't have pulled that off so well. Riley had placed the box there, it was all her plan.

"Three... two... one.." Riley pulled a lever as the blade was inches away from Scarlet's neck, who seemed to have fainted. Harry and Josh had managed to fan some sand into Anna's face, so that she was blinded for a few seconds, while the entire board on which Scarlet say, flipped over. On the other side was a wax statue of Scarlet. As soon as the blade hit the wax statue, red painted splattered all over. The plan had been successful. Only one more thing was left.

As Anna's vision cleared, she walked towards the dead body.

"Here it comes," Riley muttered.

Anna laughed wickedly. She stroked her hand over the bleeding neck of the wax statue. She laughed harder.

"You lived a pleasant life, Scarlet," She said, patting Scarlet's shoulder, "Now you will life a better life, with me."

Everyone watched as Anna's hand neared necklace. Scarlet's powerful necklace.

Anna sighed, "I wanted for you to do this, without fuss, but you were stubborn, you didn't listen." She smack Scarlet forcefully, "You idiot, it was for your own good."

Anna looked away, she laughed. She looked back to Scarlet.

"What is this?" Anna smiled, "Aw, a necklace? Did your boyfriend gift you this?"

She grabbed the necklace, "Hm... it's beautiful," She looked back to the wax statue, "I'll keep it, it's of no use to you."

She put it around her neck, and clasped the lock. She got up.

"See you soon."

She began to walk away. Only a few steps later, she staggered and fell. She grasped her neck, as if something was choking her. She screamed loudly.

Everyone ran to where she was. Her skin began to flake off, peeling off and heading towards the sky. She screamed, crying in pain. Her skin turned grey, and soon everything was peeling off. Flakes of grey skin glided up to the sky, disappearing in the grey clouds.

What was under was soon revealed, under the flakes of skin was another layer of skin. A healthy, vibrant, normal sheet of skin. Soon all of Anna's skin had flaked away. Riley heard a sharp inhale of breath from behind her.

"A-A," Claire stuttered, pointed at the body.

"What?" Riley said.

"It's.." She said, shocked.

"What?" Riley said, again.

"It's Anastasia."

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