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After about an hour of digging, they finally uncovered the entire cage. Inside, was Claire, crouching next a corner, whimpering, crying, sobbing. Her head hidden in her knees.
"Claire!" Brandon called. Everyone was knelt down, holding the bars of the cage. Claire's head shot up.
"Brandon.." She smiled adoringly, weakly, as tears ran down her face.
"H-How do you open this... what... can you see anything inside?" Harry asked.
"Please... don't.." Claire cried.
"Claire? What happened? You're safe now!" Scarlet smiled anxiously.
"Claire.." Brandon said weakly, "What happened?"
"You can't.." Claire was crying now, "You can't save me, you can't."
"Why!?" Scarlet cried, banging on a rod, "Tell us!"

"Claire?!" Harry said, almost shouting, "Tell us for god's sake!"

"Just tell us!" Riley said.

"The cage!" Claire shouted rather violently, "It's cursed! It getting smaller by the second! There's no way out!"
There was an ominous pause.
"Smaller?" Scarlet whispered.
"Smaller.... I'm going to die..." Claire choked.
Scarlet let out small cry. Claire would die in front of their eyes, and they couldn't do anything. She closed her eyes, and bowed her head, into her hands. Josh out his arm around her.

Scarlet shot her head up, this was it. She quickly got up and ran into the library. Gathering books, matches, a hose which was connected to a water supply, a crowbar which was in the staff room in case of "emergencies", wood, oil, grass, dirt, anything that was in her reach.
"What're you doing?" Harry questioned as Scarlet came running back with all the supplies.
"Well, as we removed the sand, unintentionally, one of these must work. All the elements, nature." Scarlet said hurriedly.

"What has any of this have to do with nature?" Harry asked.

"Oh come on!" Scarlet said, dropping her tools, "Let me sound heroic for once!"


They had spent the next few hours experimenting with the tools that Scarlet had collected. Claire's cage had shrunk to less than a meter in width, and Claire looked very uncomfortable.

"Guys!" Riley said, scaring everyone, "We could fill that cage with water!"

"Yes!" Scarlet agreed.

"Why?" Harry said stupidly.

"Well duh, we'll fill the tiny cage with water, and then pull her out of it.

"But the sand will soak it, there's bars on this.." Brandon said, sounding even more stupid than Harry.

Riley rolled her eyes, "Haven't you realised?"

"WHAT?!" Harry shouted, "Stop trying to act suspenseful!"

"It's glass!" Riley screamed back, "How is Claire sitting so comfortably on bars!?"

"Claire, is it actually glass?" Harry asked, trying to act smart, and secretly hoping that Riley was wrong.

Claire nodded. Riley now had her arms crossed and was smirking at Harry.

"Hey," Harry said, putting both of his hands up, "It's better to be on the safe side!"

Scarlet ran to fetch the hose, and came back, "Sorry about this Claire, but it's for your own good. Harry, Josh, use the crowbar to move the bars."

Riley turned the hose on, and started pouring water in. Claire, was completely wet, and frowning at Scarlet. As Claire was in the swim team, she was easily able to stay afloat. Soon she was at the top, and Riley had helped Josh and Harry pull the bar out of the way.

"Okay," Scarlet said, "Three... two... one... pull!!!"

Claire lay on the grass, panting. The grass was soaking the water dripping from her clothes.

"You okay, Claire?" Riley asked, who was also panting.

"Yep," Claire said, "But I'm starving... she only let me eat grass...."

"Let's go and eat something then," Scarlet suggested.


"We only have one thing left do do, guys," Scarlet said.

"What?" Claire asked.

"Defeat Anna," Scarlet said, suspense fully.

"And how do we do that?" Josh asked.

"Well, I'm not sure, but think of it, all the other things that we have done are coincidental, we didn't mean any of it." Scarlet explained, "I mean, most of the things we did were just luck. I mean, we all know what it feels like to be a second away from death, and still manage to do something."

"Hm... but that doesn't have to be the case everywhere, I mean, Anna is powerful, Scarlet. We can't win this using dumb luck." Brandon said, "We have to have a backup plan.."

"I know!" Riley exclaimed. 

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