3| The Fight

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"GIANNI CAN WE TALK for a moment?" Roman trails after her as she stumbles her way outside. I look down at Rene, undisturbed, while he continues playing with his toy. The door slams shut, leaving a loud echo in Roman's wake.

I move over to the window and push it open slightly. Outside, Roman gestures wildly, his features composed sternly while Gianni motions to the butler to move her things inside the car.

In hushed tones, Gianni whispers harshly, "Roman, I need to get away," She breathes out, exasperated. "Maybe for a month or two, but I have to go. Please let me be."

I pick Rene up from the floor and hold him against my chest, while I peek out. "Gianni, if there's something I've done wrong-"

Immediately, Gianni drops her bag to the ground, "Roman, you've done absolutely nothing wrong! Nothing, and that's why I'm leaving," She yells loudly, inciting a small whimper from Rene.

I pat his back gently, shushing him.

Finally realizing that he wouldn't be able to stop his wife from leaving, Roman asks, "When will you be back?"

Gianni is unable to look at him, staring emptily. "I don't know, Roman."

Aggravated, he bursts, "Gianni you have a duty as a mother to be here for your son! You can't leave whenever life gets too tough for you," He calls after her as she makes her way into the car.

The butler jumps into the driver's seat after ensuring that Gianni was safely inside. The car's engine revs and the gate opens. They drive out, the rear light fading into the distance as they go farther and farther out.

I am not one to judge a person based solely on first impressions, but I have a terrible feeling that Gianni is not a kind woman. She seemed like someone out only for her own needs and wants, selfishly ignoring those around her. I feel for Roman. Although I don't know much about him, let alone whether I can trust him, I can sense that anyone who is man enough to stand up for his child can't possibly be that bad.

Roman stands in the driveway for a moment or two, and turns to enter the house. I stand up quickly, carefully hugging Rene against myself as I walk to the kitchen to meet him.

The door opens, showcasing a distraught Roman. His expression dissolves as he realizes that I'm still here. "You're still here?"

I meet his warm brown eyes, crinkled in confusion. "I have a job to do. I'm sorry about Gianni."

He runs a hand through his hair, grinning sheepishly, "Oh, you heard that."

I nod.

"Well, you can leave now if you would like. You don't have to do the job anymore," He shuffles to the kitchen.

My face blanches, "Roman, not to be rude, but I'm not leaving. I need this job, and clearly, you need me." A blush rises on my face in frustration.

Roman nods his head in agreement, "Alright. You can come back tomorrow and begin officially. I'll take a day off from work to be with Rene today."

He tilts his head, as if he is asking me permission. Rene coos sleepily on my chest and I notice that he has been sleeping all this time. "Okay, I'll be on my way after dropping Rene back in his crib."

Roman walks into my path as I make my way up the stairs. "I got it, Valentina, just hand him to me."

"It's fine, I can -"

His face hardens, "Valentina, give me my son, and leave."

I stop immediately, looking up at him before moving closer to hand him Rene. With a hand on Rene's bottom, I slowly pry his fingers out of my hair and give him to his father. "I'll see you tomorrow. If you can please send me a list of things I should know about Rene, allergies, medications, I'll make sure to have them memorized."

Roman's expression relaxes, "I don't have your number."

It is now my turn to smile sheepishly. I open my purse, ripping out a piece of paper and I jot it down. I hold out the paper to him, and he takes it. "I'll be sure to do that tonight, thanks."

Feeling like I've overstayed my welcome, "Okay, I'll be leaving now, bye."

He turns around and walks upstairs with Rene clutching onto him dearly. "Shut the door on your way out."

What a strange man. I silently pray that their family's dysfunction won't get me into trouble. I walk out of the estate, making my way to my car. I couldn't wait to get home and tell Jake all about Roman and Gianni.


"Their son is absolutely adorable though, like honestly, he could be a baby model for Gerber products," I say earnestly.

I have been telling everything to Jake, the house they live in, the rude butler – all of it except the dispute between Roman and Gianni. As a new nanny, it is important to keep the matters of their family sacred. I couldn't spread information about their family, not even to Jake.

I had arrived home a few hours ago, quickly changing into my pajamas. Jake and I lie in our bed, my head tucked under his chin, our fingers wrapped around each other.

Jake laughs out, stopping to run his fingers through my hair. "How does Gianni look like?"

"Oh, she's beautiful. Long, blonde hair and blue eyes and pink lips. It sucks that she's not a nice person, she would have been beautiful inside and out."

Jake shifts down to meet my lips in a kiss. The bed shakes slightly as I laugh, leaning in to accept it. "How does Roman look like?"

"He's gorgeous, Jake. Tall, brown eyes that you want to melt in. And his hair, ugh," I cry out, "He's a god."

Jake freezes beside me, annoyance etched into his face. "Don't work there if you're going to fall in love with him."

I laugh, enjoying his discomfort. "Jake, I'm teasing you. Roman is good looking, but there's something he's hiding. He definitely looks miserable in his marriage."

"Let's stop talking about them now," Jake's green eyes glisten in mischief as he bends down for another kiss. This time, he goes slowly, pressing his lips against mine gently.

I lean in, caressing his face as I run my hands through his hair. I push him down on the bed, straddling his lap as I use my fingers to memorize every part of him.

I trace the outline of his lips, pink, as his breathing deepens. He looks up at me, his eyes trained on my face while his chest rises and sinks heavily. A smile blooms on my face as I lean in and tickle him.

He cries out, obviously annoyed that I stopped what was happening. I climb off the bed, racing to the living room while he chases after me. I giggle joyously as he tackles me against the sofa.

I realize just how happy I am, and how desperately I don't want anything to change.

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Author's Note-

Hmmm...is that a little foreshadowing there at the end?

...interesting ;)

Thank you everyone for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Aanu 💋

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