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"And now we will be studying the parts of an atom." Mrs. Jodds announced. She was drawing an atom on the board while labelling each of its parts.

The whole class groaned. "But Mrs. Jodds, we already studied that. Why do we have to study it again?" A boy, who I clearly recognized as Kenny, pointed out.

The whole class nodded in support, wanting to know why the heck would we go through this again.

"Well, Mr. Davidson," The teacher explained, "It is for you children to know more about said lesson, last year was just an introduction."

The whole class groaned, again. Am I the only one who's interested?


"Does anyone know what we call the positively charged ones?" The teacher asked the now silent students.

"Yes, Ms. Ross?"

I smiled and stood up. "The positive ones are called protons. The negative ones are called electrons. The neutral ones are called neutrons." I explained, making sure that I impressed my teacher.

When it comes to studying, my strategy is to impress the teachers. In that way, maybe I could, I don't know, learn more from them or something.

The whole class stared at me in awe. It was like watching fishes because of their mouths.

Mrs. Jodds looked really impressed this time, she was smiling and giving me an approving look. "Very good Ms. Ross. I see you have done your homework." Then she went back to her teaching.

The others listened, while the rest didn't listen. Me, well, I just began daydreaming.

My name is Zoe Ross. I'm sixteen years old, which means that I'm older than the rest of my classmates who were fifteen.

A few weeks ago, I started studying here. And no, I'm not going to tell you where 'here' is, the name itself is hard to pronounce.

Most students were relieved when school ended that day.


I was busy staring at the beautiful view of the sunset. It was a thing I started doing recently.

The lake itself reflected the sun and made it sparkle.

It was located behind the campus, it used to be a popular spot, until something happened.

I noticed that the waters were suddenly rippling on its own.

"Okay, that's not normal." I thought aloud. That was when a person rose from under the water.

I screamed in shock.

That person was a she.

The girl looked proud of herself. "Finally! I found it!"

She was really pretty. She had long wavy blonde hair and sky blue eyes. She was wearing the school uniform too........ and wet.

"Sorry about that! I didn't mean to surprise you and all that.....uhh....stuff." She struggled at the last part though.

Probably preventing herself from cussing.

I managed to get a hold of myself and asked her, "Why were you at the lake at this hour?"

She smiled. "Well, it's because of this!" She showed me what looked like a silver necklace with a small blue diamond at its center.

"You lost that?"

"What? No." She answered, "A friend told me that there were rumors of this resting at the bottom of the lake, although, I only saw it on the shallow part."

"I-I'm Zoe, and I'm sorry if I felt surprised by seeing you." I said, I really felt awkward to be honest.

The girl gave me a baffled look. "Wew, you really don't have to apologize for that. But if it makes you feel better, the name's Franzyn." She held out her hand.

"N-Nice to m-meet you." I said while shaking her hand.

That was the day I met Franzyn, the girl who loves to explore and discover things. She was my first friend in this place.

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