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"So who told you about the necklace?" I asked Franzyn as we walked across the hallway.

Franzyn was wearing my extra shirt which says in brown manuscript font,

"You're a cookie,
You're a cookie,

It made no perfect sense.

Franzyn told me that a guy named Leo told her about it.

I have no idea who that guy is.

"What are you gonna do about that necklace?" I asked her as we walked.

"Well first, I have to know which jewelry shop this necklace came from." She answered. "And after that, I can ask the list of customers and the product that they sold to them."

I understood the first, but the second? Well, not so much.

You see, I'm not really that type of person who likes jewelry and all that bling-bling. I just don't see the value in making yourself look like a Christmas tree and at the same time, a target too. So I just prefer wearing a simple cheap bracelet.

"Well, I guess, see you tomorrow?" Franzyn suddenly asked me. I gave her a 'wha?' and saw that we were already outside.


"MOM! DAD! I'M HOME!" I announced as I shut the front door.

Welcome to the Ross residence. Our house has two floors. At the first floor, you can find the living room, the kitchen, the comfort room, the garage, and the dining room. At the second floor, you can find my room which is connected to a mini-library (I love reading okay?), my parents' room, the bathroom, and the family area.

I went to the kitchen to drink. I found my mom preparing our meals for dinner and I decided to acknowledge her.

"How was school?" Mom asked.

"It was okay." I answered as I opened the fridge.

Chocolate milk. YUM! I thought.

After having a conversation with Mom, I decided to head up and do my homeworks.


I placed my bag on the floor and started to change my clothes, then, went to sit at my desk.

I began doing my first homework: Math.


I got myself a scratch paper, a pencil, an eraser, and got a trash bag.

You'll never know.

As I solved my homework, I experienced  headache, and filled the paper with answers.

Suddenly, the branches of a tree just outside my window shook.

I stopped, but thought it's just the wind anyway, so I went back to work.

As if that was it.

There was a knock on my window.

'Okay,' I thought. 'Now I'm scared.'

I gathered all my courage and grabbed a spoon (I had no idea where that came from, but hey, they can be deadly too you know, probably after hitting someone with it for years).

I approached and slowly opened the window.

Suddenly, a boy came in.

The boy had spiky raven hair. The tips of his hair were dyed with the color red. He was wearing a black leather jacket, pants, and combat boots.

I started hitting his head with my spoon.

"OUCH! WHY'D YOU DO THAT?" He said as he rubbed his head. "Who are you?" I demanded. I held my spoon in a defensive manner.

"Whoa, chill," He told me, "I just really needed your help."

"Who are you?" I asked again. The guy paid no attention to my question, he went and sat down at the edge of my bed.

"Who-Who-Whoever you are, get out or else I'll shout."

He gave me a skeptical look. "Really now?"

To prove to him I wasn't kidding, I opened my mouth and screamed.

Correction: Tried to scream.

No sound came out.

I stood in shock.

The boy stood up from his seat.

"Look, I was wounded and I thought I could borrow your first-aid kit." He explained.

He didn't even looked like he was in pain. He's probably tricking me into buying his product.

I stared at him in disbelief. 'You do not look like you are in pain.' I thought.

He rolled his eyes and mumbled something like 'humans today.' Then he looked at me. "Listen lady, I promise that after this, I won't bother you ever again." His deep brown eyes were full of sincerity, it was kinda hard to resist.

Fine, just fine.

I can't speak and I have to help a stranger.

Now all I need is for Mom or Dad to enter the room and see me with this guy.


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