Chapter 1

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You never quite realize what freedoms you have until you lose everything. That's something I learned the hard way after getting into an accident or that's what they tell me anyway. I open my eyes for the first time in my life or so it felt like. "HARRY! HARRY She's awake!" said this pleasant looking woman sitting in front of me. "Who are you?" I asked sleepily. "I'm your mother." said my mother. "Well it's very nice to meet you mother." I smiled. The guy, Harry who my mother was calling come over. "Haley, this is your dad." she said. "Who's Haley?" I asked confused. "That's you dear." my mother explained. "Ohhhh." I laughed a bit at myself. "Hey Haley how are you feeling?" my dad asked me. "Confused Dad." I giggle. "I'll go get the doctor maybe they can explain. Oh and Honey you can call me mom okay?" my mom said. "Okay mom." I smile back as she leaved to get the doctor.

"Well it looks here like Haley has retrograte amesia. This basically means she has a basic understanding of things like she knows how to eat, knows what a mom and a dad is but anything she's done in her lifetime from being born to her 5th birthday she can't remember emotional memories. Sometimes if they're trigged by something she will remember but other than that it's going to be a long ride." the doctor said as my parents nodded. A younger girl of about 17 walked in. "Haley you're up!" she smiled hugging me. "Hi and who are you?" I asked confused. "This is your younger sister Angela or Angie as we call her." my mom explained. "I'm so glad you're okay Haley." Angie smiled at me. "I am too." I smiled back.

My family stayed with me all thoughout my hospital visits but of course I would get the occassional vists from people who were supposed to be my lifelong friends but I remembered nothing about. "Hey how are you doing Hales?" a cute girl in zebra print with a deep southern twang asked. "Okay..." I smiled at her "And who are you?" "I'm Lauren. We've been friends since Angie and I used to hang out. I'm so glad you're okay." she smiled. "Thanks Lauren." I smile back. "Oh my I should tell Scotty you're okay. Oh right you don't remember Scotty he's my boyfriend." Lauren giggled as she went out into the hall to call Scotty, whoever he was.

In next came a hobo-ish looking guy with a thick beard and long hair. I was almost tempted to call the cops on him. "Haley. I've missed you so much." he said hugging me. "Hi....who are you?" I asked confused again of why I let him get near me. "Right you forgot everything." he laughed a bit as he pulled away from me "I'm Casey. We grew up together all our lives. We lived right next door to each other since we were young and you've been my best friend all throughout life." he smiled a bit. I smiled back "Yeah sorry for being all 'Who the heck are you' my memory is just completely gone. I can't believe I don't even remember my best friend since I was what 3?" I sighed. "Hey. It's okay Hales honestly I didn't expect you to remember me or anything. I know you've been through a rough time I'm just thankful you survived the accident." he smiled at me. So far Casey was my favorite person I had met.

"Could you maybe fill me in on my life since you've known me the longest?" I asked timidly. "Well there's a lot of things to cover there Haley." he laughed a bit "I'll just tell you about what you'll need to know right now." "Okay sounds good." I smile as I listen to what he had to say. "Okay well you live with your boyfriend Stefano. Don't be surprised if he cheats on you he does it a lot and yet you stay with him...." "Why do I do that?" I asked confused.  A logical person would never do that. "I don't know Haley...I could never figure that out about you." he said with a laugh. "Go on...." I pleaded. "You and your family get along fine. You hang out a lot more with Lauren who I see you've met and Pia. I know you haven't met Pia yet but trust me you guys friendship is....interesting to say the least." he sighed. "Okay....That helps a bit." I smiled. "Glad I could help Haley." he smiled as Lauren came back in. 

"Casey! I didn't know you were coming." She smiled hugging him "I couldn't not see Haley of course I came." he laughed. "I'm glad you did. If anyone can help her remember it's you. Y'all were so insperable that is until Stefano..." Casey shook his head as to tell Lauren to stop but what did Stefano do to make Casey go away or what was going on?

"Until Stefano what?" I asked.  "Stefano came between you two. He's just a jerk Haley...why don't you stay with me and Scotty until you remember more okay?" Lauren pleaded with me. From what I could tell I didn't think I was going to like Stefano but who knows stranger things have happened or at least I think so.

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