Chapter 4

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"Haley you're okay!" said a voice that ran up to me. "Yeah Hi...and you are...." I said sounding an awful lot like I did in the hospital. "I forgot you have amesia." the girl laughed she was very tan and had jet black hair and beautiful brown eyes "I'm Pia." Pia. Oh my gosh. This was the girl I lied to. This was the girl I competed with Stefano for...Oh no not another flashback....I mean I'd love to know about me but at this moment...not the best idea....

"YOU LITTLE SLUT!" Pia yelled at me while I was on my job at my family's music store. "Umm excuse me?" I said rolling my eyes. "YOU SLEPT WITH STEFANO!" "Yep sure did and guess what Pia he's so damn good...Mmm Mmm. I think I'll marry him someday. We make a lovely couple don't we." I smirked almost teasing her. She slapped me hard "Listen up Reinhart and listen good. Stefano is mine you little lying bitch. He needs to set you free and stay with me. I knew you didn't break up with him like you promised you would. If I EVER see you with him again I swear it will be the last thing you do!" Pia huffed as she stormed out of the store.

Part of me now wondered  if she had ran me over causing my accident and memory loss. She seemed fine with me now or at least I think she is. "Oh right..." I said. "Gosh how are seemed spaced out everything okay?" she asked. "Mmmhmm everything is fine." I lied. Hey I'm actually good at this. "I figured. I wish you could remember things it would be so much easier to talk to you." she sighed. Oh I doubt that Pia. "Oh yeah definitely." I lie through my teeth. "See you later." she waves as she heads to mine and Stefano's apartment. Great. I'm going to be homeless for a few hours. I decided it would be best to hang out with Casey since our fake boyfriend/girlfriend status started now.

"Hey Hales." Casey smiled. "Pia's in town..."I said. "Oh God..." he groaned. "Yeah....I ran into her today...and I remembered something that wasn't too good...she threatened to kill me if she saw me again with Stefano....." I gulped. "Oh man....She was probably that driver that rammed into your car...." he shook his head. "So it wasn't an accident?" I said nervously. "Noooooo....." Casey said in a certain tone. "Lauren and I just made up an accident story...Haley I really think Pia tried to kill you..." "Oh my..." I shook my head. "Where is she now?" he asked. "At Stefano's...."I said weakly. "Oh gosh...Haley stay here tonight okay?" I nodded. This time I wasn't taking any chances. If there was a pschyo out to get me for something past me had done I don't know what to do except stay away. 

'Staying at Lauren's. Saw Pia go in and I already got our history from Lauren who advised me to stay with her.' I texted Stefano. I quickly got a reply 'Not a problem boo. I figure you would. Stop by Casey's to get some of your stuff. I know you have some over there." he replied to me. "Well Stefano thinks I'm at Lauren's." I said. "What happened to the 'I don't know how to lie' girl?" Casey asked with a laugh "She learned how to lie...quickly." I laughed as I sat next to Casey on his couch. "So what are we going to do?" I asked. "Well we could watch your old favorite movie and see if you still love it..." he smiled at me. "I'd like that." I smiled as he put on A Walk to Remember. 

I was in tears by the end of the movie but I loved every second of it. "Aww the Haley I knew is still in there." he smiled as he wiped away my tears. "I guess she is." I smiled as I had yet another flashbash...

"Damn that movie gets me everytime." I said wiping my eyes. "I know..." Casey said. "You are seriously the best you know that?"  I smiled at Casey. "The best friend yeah..." he said with a sigh. "Maybe not just I friend." I said kissing him. Oh Lordy what did the old me do? Play with his sure seemed like it from what I could see. How was he still my friend again? It's almost as bad as the mystery of why I stayed with Stefano after he cheated on me or why Pia and I had such a weird friendship. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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