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Chapter 2| Bad to Good pt. 1


" Daddy, stooop! That tickles! " Harley screamed rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter. From there I only gripped her foot tighter as she tried to squirm away.

" Are you gon' go to bed, like I asked?" I chuckled lightly. She stopped squirming and her face went dull. She stale faced me, " Daddy, I said I not tired. " she yawned. I picked her up, tossing her to my hip.

" Well, from the looks of it, you should've went to bed hours ago. " I mumbled looking at the time on my phone. " C'mon it's 11, you 'sposed to be sleep by 9. " I walked to her room. " But I want to stay up wit 'choo. " she whined laying her head on my shoulder.

" Nope, not tonight baby. Go brush your teeth. " I let her down and she wobbled to her bathroom. I waited patiently, scrolling through my phone until she trudged out of the bathroom. She walked over and stood in front of me, she poked out her lip.

" Pwease, daddy..." I sighed loudly.

" Don't give me that face. I said it's bed time, it is what it is. " I poked her bottom lip before shrugging my shoulders. She groaned before climbing into her bed.

She pulled back her blankets and got comfortable on her pillow. I smirked watching her attempt to be mad at me. " Can daddy lay wit 'choo." I whispered in her ear.

She quickly covered her head with the blanket, " Uh- uh! "

" Okay, Harley. " I said in a sing song voice walking away from her bed.
" Goodnight.." I stalled as I opened the door slowly. I turned around shutting it slowly behind me, peeking through a crack. I watched as she uncovered her head slowly.

" Daddy? " I laughed lightly.

" Yes, baby girl. " I grinned. She scooted over in her bed as I walked back in. I slid under the covers with her, she lay across my chest.

" You can lay with me I was just playing.." she clinged to me. I wrapped my arms around her back, "Daddy can you sing me a song? " I bit my lip looking down at her, contemplating on a decent song to sing to my daughter.

" Sure—you comfortable? " I shifted under her. She nodded her head twice before laying her head back onto my chest.

When skies were gray
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me you will always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama, Mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know lovin' you is like food to my soul

I looked down to see Harley fast asleep. I lay with her for a minute or two before I slid slowly from beneath her.

" Goodnight, baby girl.." I whispered, kissing her cheek.

I shut the door softly, sighing aloud as I walked back to our messy living room. I scanned the living room before figuring nobody else was going to clean it up. I stepped forward, " Ah shit! " I fell to the floor, gripping my leg close to me.

I looked to where I stepped and saw a small lego and sure enough the damn thing was pointy as hell. " All this fucking crap.." I mumbled to myself, tossing everything into Harley's toy chest. I don't even know why I bought all this shit for her.

Finally finishing, I jumped on the couch switching the channel to nickelodeon. Ain't nothing like SpongeBob in the middle of the night!

It's true, I'm a little kid at heart but who says that's a bad thing? Besides, I can relate to Harley better so it's in everybody's best interest!


" Daddy, wake up! Wake up! " she gritted, yanking on my arm. " I'm up, Harely! " she finally let go.

" You've been sleeping for hours, it's time for you to take me to the park, like you said! " she began jumping up and down on my bed. I scrunched my face up. When did I say that?

" Wait—what? I said that? "

" Nope! " she smiled jumping onto her knees. " But daddy, I really wanna go! " she squealed, laying next to me. I sat up, the light from the window blinding me.

" Can't we just go tomorrow? I don't have work—"

" But, I wanna go noooowww! " she attacked me with a warm hug. I couldn't help but to smile, " You're just like your mother, I swear. " I looked away from her cheerful orbs.

" Really? " she said breaking the silence. I turned around slowly, " Well, yeah. You're always happy, y'all got the same smile...and you both love me!" I smiled cockily popping my imaginary collar.

" Not really, daddy.." She smiled shaking her head.

" Alright, I'll run your bath water. Go pick out your clothes. "

" Otay, daddy. " she ran off in the direction of her room.

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