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Chapter 32 | Something tells Me


" Who invited her? " Bryson said looking between his brother and Kehlani. Kehlani rolled her eyes, "Grandma Helen did. I forgot that you might have came. " she responded in a raspy tone. He sat the groceries by the front door before walking slowly towards the small crowd in the living room, with his hands in his pockets. "Why didn't you tell me she was coming? " he said speaking to Helen. Harley stood behind Kehlani's leg, hoping to stay hidden from her father.

" What's going on? She's your girlfriend, why wouldn't she be invited? " Grandma Helen said putting her hands on her hips. The word girlfriend struck a nerve in Kehlani before her eyes darted to the floor. She felt guilty with every piercing second.

" Wait—you didn't tell them? " Dj said standing behind Kehlani. Assuming that Dj knew, Kehlani shifted uncomfortably as Bryson and Dj held a conversation. " Yeah, and I intend to keep it that way. " Bryson said raising his eyebrows at Dj. The living room fell silent and Kehlani could practically feel the tension radiating off of the two of them.

Their eyes landed on one another's before she quickly looked elsewhere. Dj looked down at Kehlani before nudging her towards Bryson. Looking back at him, she rolled her eyes.

" Go talk it out. " Dj said as everyone looked around confused as to how he knew what was going on. Catching her off guard, Bryson grabbed Kehlani's arm leading her towards the stairs. She had never been upstairs in this house, but her thoughts quickly drifted away from that once a she realized that they were going to have to talk to one another about their nauseating situation.

Leading Kehlani past many different doors, Bryson finally came to a stop in front of a door. Opening it up, he revealed a very clean room in which had video games and dvd's on shelves. Kehlani walked in, looking around, positive this must be Bryson's old room. It was very much his type.

" Well—what do you want?" Kehlani lowly, before swallowing hard. Bryson tried to gather his thoughts, trying to think of how they should start this conversation. The two had been sitting in utter silence and Kehlani couldn't help but to admire his features as his jaw clenched, thinking intently.

She knew this conversation was coming but at the same time, she didn't expect Trevor to take advantage of the fact that she was drunk and sleep with her. Now, it would only be harder for her to confront Bryson about his cheating.

" I'on want to do shit, but we need to talk according to Dj. " he said taking a seat on his bed. Kehlani stayed standing up, feeling a little more comfortable, but leaned up against the wall. " You told Dj? " she questioned as he stared at the ground. Nodding his head he finally looked up at her, "Yeah. I needed somebody to talk to. But he told me that we needed to talk it out so that's what we're gonna do. I thought about it and realized that instead of arguing we both need to explain our points of view—"

" Why should we do that, when you can just 'fess up to what you did? " Kehlani accidentally stated cutting him off. She mentally face palmed herself as she knew that he heard her. His face slowly contorted before he shook of the urge to retaliate. Kehlani, however was completely dumb founded with this situation. He saw her walk out of the hospital that day, he knows he cheated and therefore he should be able to confess without all the extra billshit, or at least that's what she thought.

The room fell silent before Kehlani took advantage and began speaking again, "What did you do? " she said lowly. She watched as his face softened into a confused expression. He stood up, putting his hands into his pockets. "That's the thing, I don't know what I did. " he said before shrugging his shoulders. Bryson was very aware that Kehlani thought he had done something. Whether she admitted it or not, he could tell when he was being accused and it was one thing he hated.

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