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Chapter 16 | Wanna Be pt.2


Scavenging through all the people, I struggled to find Kehlani. " Move, please. " I said brushing past two people.

I finally caught a glimpse of her white t-shirt. Speeding up in pace, I made my way to her still angry, self.

" Kehlani! " I yelled, breaking past a few more people.

" Bryson, get away from me, I swear to g—" I grabbed her arm before she could speed up. This girl got some damn legs on her. I haven't ran for this long since high school.

" Don't touch me! " she ripped away from my grip.

I continued following her, " Kehlani, just let me talk. " I said struggling to keep up with her.

" There's nothing to talk about. " she answered with clear agitation. I rolled my eyes, " Please, Kehlani...just let me explain. " I said as she slowed down. I stopped to take breath. She watched me with hurt eyes.

" Fuck you and your explanation. " she said aggressively.

She stormed off in the direction of the girl's bathroom, but before she entered she took a turn and entered the family restroom.

Shrugging my shoulders I walked behind, keeping a good distance. she walked in, a few seconds later, after looking around I opened the door, walking straight in.

" Look, Kehlani—"

" What the hell, Bryson! " she yelled at me turning around. She now has tears strolling down her face.

" I—it didn't mean shit. " I said attempting to hug her. She pushed me away by my shoulders.

" Woah, chill out! "

" Don't tell me to chill out, Bryson! " she said balling up her fist. There was a moment of silence as we both stared intently at one another. More tears formed in her eyes, on the brim of falling.

" Uggghhhh! " she groaned loudly, turning away from me. She grabbed some paper towel and trudged to the bathroom sink.

" Get out, Bryson. " she said quietly but sternly. I looked at her with concerned eyes. All I was trying to do was console her and explain myself. After all, we were never together. Why was she so damn upset? I know it felt like we were official but we weren't and if she would've let me explain myself she would've know that I got the number but never really planned to do anything with it.

" Get out right now! "

" What do you want me to say, huh? " I had went from sad to mad in 2 seconds. You could tell she was taken back by my stern voice.

" What do I want you to say? No, what do you want me to say? " she yelled back with more force.

She wiped her tear stained face before laughing, what at, I don't know.

" I look so dumb right now. I actually thought you were different. People like you suck! People like you are the reason why I am how I am, now! People like you make me wanna slap the living shit out of you! "

" Hold the hell up what do you mean, people like me! " I spat.

I don't think Kehlani has ever seen me mad before. Well, today's the day, obviously. I stepped closer to her, we were now face to face.

" What do I mean? I mean bitch ass niggas like you! All you do is run your mouth tellin' me that you love me but don't do shit to prove it. You told me that you loved me. You don't get to change your mind once I leave! You don't get to do that! " she said yelling at me, tears streaming down her face.

Once again, I had been knocked speechless by Kehlani's wind.

I stood there with my jaw clenched, "You're ass is probably wondering where the hell I've been for the last three weeks, well guess what? I've been thinking—" she stepped back.

" Yes, I've been thinking about it and guess what? I love you too Bryson! Is that what you wanna hear? " she said slowly loosing control over her actions. " I fuckin' love you like I ain't neva' loved nobody in my life, Bryson. "

She stepped over to me, " I didn't think I did until I just saw you with her, until I saw you with somebody else! " she pointed her finger in my face.

This was all coming at me too fast but the only thing I was able to catch was when she said she loved me.

So that's what it was, this whole time she was scared? Not scared of me but scared of love. The Kehlani, bad ass chick who has no fears, was afraid to love me.

I thought she left because she wasn't feeling me, I thought I was lead on all to be dragged through the damn dirt. This shows me how she really feels, she tried to act tough but it's clear that she is a little girl in the heart. In a way, I feel like Kehlani never grew up. She couldn't, it wasn't by choice.

From what I know, her dad just got out of jail and her mom is a drug addict. The only person she told me she talks to is her sister Nova, and half the time they asses is arguing. So who did she ever really have to help her grow up?


I stumbled over to her limp body leaning over the sink. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned around pushing me off of her again.

" I'm sorry Keh—" I said pleadingly. I hate arguing with people.

" No you're not! You wasn't sorry until I said something—"

" Yes, I am, okay! I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry that I made you feel this way! I promise you I wasn't even thinking about using her number, not that that matters. The only plans I had was making up witchoo'! " she dropped her head. I lifted it up by her chin.

She pursed her lips, looking away from me. " Look at me, please? " I said lowly. She slowly complied, looking me in the eyes.

" I love you Kehlani. Whether you like it or not I ain't gon' now whea'. When I say I'll neva' hurt you again, I mean it, okay? "

She blinked slowly before standing on her tip toes, she closed her eyes and kissed my lips.

" I love you too. " she bit her lip. My eyes shifted all over her tear stained face but I couldn't resist her lips.

I leaned down kissing her lips gently but passionately. She put her arms around my neck and a sudden sense of familiarity crossed my mind. I missed her touch, I missed her.

I backed her up until her butt hit the sink behind us. " Jump. " I whispered in her ear.

She hopped up and I place her gently on the bathroom sink, I placed kisses along her neck and jawline.

" Bryson? " she moaned out.

" Hm? " I said continuing to kiss her.

" Where's Harley? " she held my face in both her hands, while laughing. "Oh shit! " I pulled back, darting out of the bathroom.

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