Klien's question

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Intro:*Yawns*Hey everyone out there like I said this is gonna be a truth or dare *yawns*lets get right into the story

Jesse:Well that was another sleepless night *Yawn* I should get up and make breakfast for eveyone.

---Walks into kitchen---

Jesse:Well lets see what I have to make eveyone *looks into frige* Huh pancakes and some eggs will do.

---20 Mins Later---

Luna:*Walks out of room*Huh what smells so good?

Jesse:Breakfast take a seat

Luna;What did you make?

Jesse:Just pancakes and eggs

Luna:Oh OK

Jesse:Here *Hands Luna a plate of pancakes and eggs*

Luna:Oh thanks 

Jesse:No problem hey tell Brenda her food is in the frige I have to go

Luna:Where you going to?

Jesse:Im gonna meet up with some friends of mine 

Luna:Ok mister popular ill tell her

Jesse:Really?whatever thanks Luna bye *Walks Out Front Door*

Luna:*Sigh*Jess I sware you kill me 

Brenda:*Walks Out Of Room*What smells so good?

---Minewhile At The Pub---

Jesse:*Walks In* Hey guys sorry Im late

Klien:Took you long enough what kept you so held up?

Jesse:I was making breakfast for Brenda and Luna

Klien:Whatever so are we gonna start or not?

Kirito:Ok lets go who want to go today?

Klien:Ill go I dare...Liz to fight Jesse

Liz:What you want me to fight him *Points to Jesse*

Jesse:What is up with people wanting others to fight me?

Klien:Come on I want to see Liz fight Jesse

Jesse:Ill go easy


*Jesse changes into weaker cloths and changes swords*

Jesse:This should make it even

Liz:Ok lets go *activates sword skill*

Jesse:This sucks Im so slow *Blocks mace*activates sword skill*

Liz:Crap that barley left a scratch...huh oh no *dodges sword*

Jesse:Good job Liz you have a pretty reaction time


---Timer is at 57 seconds---

Liz:I need to end this and fast

Jesse:Well looks about time to end this*activates sword skill*

Liz:Crap I cant dodge thisin time *Gets sent back a bit*

---Timer 0---

Jesse:Crap Liz are you ok? I didnt mean to hit you that hard

Liz:Oww Im fine thanks for asking 

Jesse:*Rubs back of head*Lets go back in


---Inside The Pub---

Asuna:That was one heck of a show

Yui:Yeah it was mommy even tho Jesse was slower than normal he was still pretty fast

Liz:Tell me about it

Agil:Hey Jesse what is your highest stat?

Jesse:If I remember its sterangth

Agil:So your like Kirito

Jesse:Yeah I geuss but I dont have a reaction time like Kirito

---Brenda walk throw the door---

Jesse:Crap Hide me *Goes upstares*

Brenda:Hey guys have you seen Jesse around 

Danny:you just missed him he just left

Brenda:Thanks Danny.He is gonna pay when I see him *Walks out front Door*

Danny:Your clear she left 

Jesse:*Comes down* Thanks Danny

Silica:How come you lied to Brenda Danny?

Danny:Well it looked like she was mad at Jesse and Jesse look scared out of his mind so I felt like I should help him by saying he left

Asuna:What did you do to her that made her so mad?

Jesse:I dont know ...Oh no guys what day is it

Kirito:Its the 26 of May why?

Jesse:I know why she is mad now


Jesse:I just remembered today makers the 8th year me and Brenda have been friends and I told her Me and her would hang out of go somewhere and I completely forgot about it

Asuna:*Hits Jesse on the head*HOW CAN YOU FORGET THAT!!!

Jesse:Owww It was a mistake 

*Brenda walks back in*


Jesse:Im sorry Brenda is was a mistake 


Jesse:Let me make it up to you tomorrow we can do whatever you want ok?

Brenda:*Put Jesse in a choke hold*You better not be lieing to me 

Jesse:*Gasping for air*Im...Not

Brenda:*Lets go of Jesse* Ok then *Grabs Jesse by ear*Lets go you have to make diner tonight

Jesse:Oww ok let go of my ear please

Brenda:Nope now lets go

---Brenda & Jesse leave the pub---

Kirito:Wow I feel bad for him

Klien:Me two

Asuna:He got what he deserved

Silica:Asuna is right.But still I feel like what Brenda did was a little to harsh

Liz:Tell me about I was scared of her and she just wanted toget Jes 

Asuna:Secne when have you called JesseJes?

Liz:well that is one of his nicknames

Yui:But you never call anyone by there nickname Liz

Kirito:That is true

---Minewhile at Brenda's place---

Jesse:So what do you want to eat?


Jesse:Really?*Sigh*Gives Brenda a hug from behind*Im sorry I forgot about today ok it was my bad it wont happen agian so can you please forgive me?


Jesse:*Sigh*Kisses her forehead* There happy now

Brenda:*Sigh*What am I going to do with you *TUrns and hugs Jesse*I forgive you

Outro:Well that was a crazy day I hope you guys liked it sorry it took so long for this part to come out but I got cought up in school but finaly school is out so Im gonna try and make more parts soon so for now Jesse is logging off bye guys

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