Finally Back

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Intro:Jesse is back and so is the story I hope this will be good Brenda finally picked up her phone after almost a month and she finally got back to me and gave me this so lets hop into the story 

Jesse:Hey Brenda Im going to the pub ok?

Brenda:Ok just be home early you're making dinner today ok?

Jesse:Yeah I got it so you later

Brenda:Ok bye

---At The Pub---

Jesse:Hey guys long time no see

Liz:J-Jesse is that you?

Agil:The hell you been at man?

Danny:Hey where have you been these last couple of weeks?

Kirito:You're still alive?

Asuna:Kirito! What he meant was we thought something happened to you

Silica:Jesse your back

Jesse:Yeah sorry things came up. Hey Asuna where did you get the necklace?


Danny:Don't ask

Liz:Come with me *Grabs Jesse*

Jesse:Hey are you taking me?

*Liz drags Jesse outside*

Jesse:Hey what was that all about?

Liz:You've been gone for a long time and...that necklace that Asuna has is...Yui

Jesse:You're kidding right?

Liz:No I wish I was but Kirito and Asuna found out that Yui was an A.I.

Jesse:What are you talking about?

Liz:Yui was a mental health program A.I.


Liz:Yeah so try not to bring it up around them they are still having trauma about everything

Jesse:Ok thanks

*Jesse and Liz walk back in*

Kirito:So where have you been Jesse?

Jesse:Around meeting some old friends and leveling

Klien:Hey Jesse why didn't you message us when you got our messages?

Jesse:I didn't have the time to only had time to read them due to timing 

Silica:What do you mean?

Jesse:Ive been on  a grind and leveling so I didnt have time to text people

Danny:What level are you now?

Jesse:Im level 198


Jesse:What its not that high

Kirito:Thats higher than most people in the front lines


Asuna:Yes most on the front line are level 150

Liz:What about you and Kirito?

Kirito:Im level 197

Asuna:Level 186

Silica:Wow youre so high leveled how did you get that high

Asuna:Kirito is really good at finding hunting grounds

Danny:Really lucky 

*Jesse gets a message* 

Jesse:Huh? Its Brenda? Oh crap ita already 10:00 I have to go *Runs out pub*

Klien:What was that about?

Agil:I dont know

Asuna:Hey Liz why did you take Jesse outside to talk to him

Liz:Oh no reason just wanted to ask him some questions


Liz:Nothing important

---At Brenda's House---

Brenda:Where is he?

Jesse:*Runs in* Sorry im late I was talking to everyone and lost track of time

Brenda:Its fine 

Jesse:So what do you want to eat?

Brenda:What do we have?

Jesse:We have a rabbit or I can make sandwitchs

Brenda:Lets have rabbit

Jesse:Ok then rabbit it is

Outro:Well finally another part done sorry for the huge wait school was a pain in the ass but im on vacation so lets see how many parts i can put on here anyways this is jesse logging out for now 

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