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Why are people trying to stop suicide?
Why is it so bad?
It's an escape from life.
Why do we respect your decisions,
But you can't accept ours?
Her decision was suicide.
She joked about it to her mom.
Her mom frowned.
She told her this,
"What? Do you need help, I'll take you
To the doctors. Don't do something
Stupid like that."
That burned into the back of her
Why do people think that?
Ask if they need help?
If anything suicide is
A paradise to them.
They don't need help, they can't take
It anymore.
They put you on pills to make you happy.
Is that really the way?
That's hell, it's sick.
She just wanted to leave.

Lol I'm not suicidal also I'm fine, this was requested.

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