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~No more~

I want to scream on top of my lungs.
I want these sickening thoughts to disappear.
I couldn't make mother happy. I tried and tried, no luck. I'm sorry I failed my father, I feel it's my fault you left. You didn't say goodbye, you just left. My heart aches the mention of your name. What about me? Left in this cruel world full of despair, can't make it through the day without breaking into tears. He left me weak and vulnerable. Now I can't get a wink of sleep knowing he's not here. My heart is shattered it can't be fixed, I wish these things didn't exist. I want him back, but he's starting a new life. Just tell me you love me, even if it's twice. Pass by you and mothers room, all I see is a missing spot, where you were suppose to lay. I miss you dreadfully! Please come back! I miss your jokes I miss your voice! I miss the nicknames you use to call me! You broke me, I can't be fixed, that's like asking to fix broken glass. I just want you back. 

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