1 (Y/N)

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1: A Daisy's Purity

   I looked up at the creature in front of me, scared and afraid. Cuts littered its lavender body from being picked on by other people in Team Skull.

   "Leave it alone!" I screamed as I pushed through the group of people to try and get to the poor pokemon.

The Pokemon was a Ditto, the Pokemon said to have all of the genetic coding of evey Pokemon. I scooped up the Pokemon in my arms and looked at the others.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves for picking on a helpless Pokemon like this. What do you have to gain? You, all of you have discraced the Team Skull name. I am very disappointed. I expected better." I said as I walked to my room. I placed the Ditto on my bed and grabbed the first aid kit.

   I pulled out a max potion and sprayed it on the Pokemon. You had never had a Pokemon before, so you hoped it would be OK.

Someone then knocked on your door. You put the empty max potion down and got up to answer the door. Most of the boys who you had yelled at were there.

"We, we're sorry yo."

"Yeah, we can't have you mad at us for long."

"You're so pretty (Y/-"

"And she's the Boss's baby girl, so shut up or he'll have your head." I heard throughout the group. I let out a small giggle and watched as some the boys had pink littering their faces.

"You're so nice yo. Helping out that Ditto."

"Yo you're so nice."

  "Aww thanks guys! Y'all are so sweet." I said with a smile "But y'all better be movin' along now, before my father finds y'all here." As soon as I said that they all ran off.

  I love each and every one of those knuckleheads. They're all like older siblings to me, even if they do hurt Pokemon, they're just people who had lost their way. They felt rejected. So they came here, where there are people who are like them. They understand each other. But if they stay here they'll never change their ways. But maybe I could help. Show 'em what's right. Guide them through the storm. I could influence them. And that's what I intend to do.

I turned back to the Ditto, its wounds almost fully healed. "Looks like yours feeling better." I said to the Ditto.

"Di-Ditto!" It said joyfully. (They don't have genders -_-) "Ditto!" It said once more and used its only attack, transform. I was looking face to face with myself- er, well Ditto.

  "Ditto! You look just like me!" I said to the Pokemon. Grabbing its hand, I dragged it down the hall towards my fathers room. I opened the door only to see my father sitting on his 'throne' but I think he just can't accept the fact he's old and get a recliner instead of that hard and uncomfortable chair.

  "Hey (Y/N), its ya dad Guzma! And....other (Y/N)? Did I ever have twins? Or two kids? Wait...I NEVER HAD TWO KIDS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUZMA?! So (Y/N) who's your friend here?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Ditto!" It said and transformed back into its original form.

"O-Oh, its just a Ditto." He said, probably releaved there weren't two of me. "Is he your Pokemon Partner?"

"Not exactly, but its up to Ditto."

"Then let it decide." He said while handing me a pokeball.

"OK Ditto, would you like me to be your trainer?" I asked and the Pokemon had reached out towards the Pokeball. The pokeball shook three times before you heard the unfamiliar click. "Come on out Ditto!" You said, releasing the Pokemon.

"Ditto take good care of my baby girl."


"Dad!" I said blushing. My father knows just how to annoy and embarrass me.

"I'm kind of sad you're first Pokemon wasn't a bug type, but if you choose ditto than I'm alright with it. Now, its late and you need to get to bed. You and your Ditto have a long day tomorrow. Goodnight, (Y/N)."

"Goodnight!" On my way to my room I thought about tomorrow. Something crazy is gonna happen tomorrow, I just know it.

OK! 814 Words
I hope you liked! (Even if it is bad) and if you want it longer, it'll take more time but if you want it shorter I'll have faster updates. Its totally your call. Just let me know, if you comment I'll reply and if you pm me I'll talk/annoy you for awhile. If I dont find out before I finnish the next chapter then it'll be the same length. I appreciate positive and negative feedback. Um, next chapter will be Gladion, and the beginning of chapter 2 happens in the middle of chapter 1. I think I cleared up everything, so I'll start on the next chapter tonight. Soooooooo bye peoples!

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