9: Lillie

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9: A Gardinias blooming forbidden love

"Lillie huh? It suits you, 'cause you're as pretty as a lilly!" Moon said as she spun around with her litten. I smiled at the way she danced with the small fire kitten. "Come on and dance with us!" The girl latched onto the blondes arm and pulled her in towards the small clearing. Once letting her go, the brunette swayed and Lillie timidly copied her actions until both girls started freely dancing to the music under the light of the Moon and lit fire torches. The two girls didn't stop until the sound of a familiar voice broke their trance

"Moon! You're Mum wants you back home soon!" Moon and I turned towards the shadowy figure that was Hau running towards us.

What are you going to do for tonight? You didn't think this far ahead now did you?

I shut my eyes tightly.

You're just causing everyone trouble. You'd be better off at home.

"Lillie?" I opened my eyes to the sound of my name.

"Sorry, I spaced out, what were you saying?" I turned towards Moon

"Do you live on Mele Mele? I haven't seen you around."

"Ah- no I'm not from Alola?" It came out as more of a question then statement, but I didn't want her to have to deal with my problems.

"Well then, you can come stay at my place! I made cookies earlier and I need  someone to taste-test em!" Moon started to bounce on the heels of her feet in excitement.

"I wouldn't want to i-impose-"

"Nonsense! It would be an honor to have you as my guest!" She did a dramatic bow for effect as she- once again- latched her arm in mine and dragged me off into the distance."Its been so long since there's been another girl here, we can paint nails, play board games, and stuff our faces with cookies and popcorn while we watch scary movies!"

Lillie could hear the excitement in her voice as ghost of a smile appeared on her face.

She'll soon grow tired of you.

Different thoughts and emotions clouded the blondes head. Lillie didn't know how she was supposed to feel about all this. Saddness, because she couldn't go home? Guilt, because she's lying to people who were nothing but kind to her? Happy that someone who doesn't even know her is showing her such care and trust? It all confused her.

"Sounds like fun Moon!" She smiled at the brunette as she hyped herself up.

"I'm so glad you think so! What else do you suggest we do?" When the brunette looked back to the blonde, she noticed the tears that slipped out of her eyes like raindrops. Her smile fell as she walked towards her and embraced the crying teen into a hug. "Hey, it's ok, you're ok.." She rubbed circles onto her back.

"I-Im sorry."

"Shhh, you have no reason to apologize." And after a few minutes, the blonde hesitantly spoke up.

"Do y-you think we could play cards?"

The brunettes faced morphed into a smile at her comment. "Whatever you want to do, I'll make sure we get it done." Lillie stood there and enjoyed the comfort she had gotten from the taller girl, making sure to take in every detail from that moment to look back on.


Ha what's this? You thought I was dead? Well prepare to be disappointed! I've been so busy with school and heat stroke-I mean band practice lately that I barely have any free time. We go from 3-5 three days a week, then games on fridays, and the occasional 4 hour Saturday practice. Also, all my notes for the story are gone (sadly) so I have to just see where the rest of this mess will end up as I go

But you can totally thank ImHobbitHairHowell and xXWynter_13Xx for bullying me into updating lol


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