8 (Y/N)

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We made our way back into town with the two pokemon in tow. Gladion and I had conversation after conversation, talking about anything and everything we could think of. It felt nice to catch up with the boy after all these years. I told him all the things the grunts thought it would be safe to do- like trying to see if a firework could go through a vulpixs wall of ice. Turns out it cant. I chuckled at the memory, Dad was furious!

"Hey Gladion?" I looked over at the blonde male beside me.


"You know Guzma isnt my real dad, I never knew my parents." Ive always been reluctant to share this, but I'd trust Gladion with my life

"But I thought- Isnt he-"

"Thats what everyone thinks, 'cuz hes old." I chuckled a bit at that, he was only in his early 30s, but his dyed hair tends to make him appear older. "He found me as a kid and took me in, and he always tells me Im the reason he started team skull, to give a home to those who need it. Honestly, I dont believe him when he says that, I think hes always want to do it, but hes still always concidered me a daughter to him, and I wouldnt have it any other way." I smiled up at Gladion

"I never knew my dad, my mother just said he passed away. So its always been just Mum, Lillie, and I."

"That sounds nice, its almost like being an only child." I giggled at the thought. It was nice that he trusted me with personal stuff like that. The two pokemon ran up ahead and waited at the Po town entrance. "Come on Gladion, theyre gonna leave us behind!" I latched onto Gladions hand as we ran through the foliage and into the clearing. Once we stopped, I smiled at the slight flush in the males cheeks, him always being easily flustered, even as kids.

"W-Warn me next time before you just take off!"

"Wheres your sense of adventure?" I giggled and ran ahead of the boy.

"(Yyyy/nnnnn)! Wait up!" I stopped to look at the boy, but I was thrown to the ground with and 'oof'.

"Gladioooon watch where youre going." I pushed him off of me and Sylvette helped me to my feet. "Thank you Sylvette, I owe you my thanks." I bow dramatically down at the pokemon before dusting myself off. Or at least trying to, theres not really dust in Po town, mostly mud. We make our way inside and one of the grunts hand us some towels.

"Here, allow me." Gladion took the towel from my hand and began to gently dry my hair. We got set in a comfortable silence with the sound of the rain hitting the windows and the two pokemon playing on the floor. I smiled softly. I could really get used to this.

Wow whats this? An update? Gosh I havent done that in how long? Almost a year?

I want to apologize for the wait, ive looked back over this story and its really badly written, and has no plot, so I might either rewrite it now or try and finish it then go from there....idk. If anyone is into bnha, ive written some stuff (its so much better then this, trust me) if you wanna check it out, thanks! If not, still thanks! Im surprised people still read this tbh

Also, in the comments let me know if ur getting sword or sheild, and what starter!

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