Chapter 3: The Tyndall effect

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Bald! Bald! BALD!!

She looked at herself in the dusty mirror. Was it the weather or her? She felt lighter.

Now there will be no expensive shampoos, conditioners and thousand other products just to keep her hair in place. She felt good, for the first time in these gloomy days. She smiled and looked at Ricco. He was still in shock and horror. He never would have imagined a girl so happy after cutting her hair….all the hair.

She got up and shook her head; it would need a lot of time to get used to this.

“Are you happy?” Ricco asked and looked at her with care. She found this strange. How can someone start caring about someone when he has just met that person? There are lot of things she didn’t understand and this thing went right on her list.

She paid for the haircut and all the people in the salon looked at her with acute horror and the fact was that she enjoyed people’s reaction. Who gives a damn about what they think? If we start caring about other people, how are we gonna enjoy? If we want to wear that hot pant or that long check shirt go wear it...who cares?

Her methods in life were clear, her future, and her dreams.  She would become something and even if she didn’t, she always had her dad’s mega and booming business. She never really aced her academics, always busy in clothes, shoes and boys and yeah, one night stands. Virginity was something which she wanted to lose when she didn’t even knew what sex was and she did lost it when she was 16, a little late than most. Her so called best friend, Chanelle lost it at 15. She was competitive; she made sure she wins always.

Now sitting her there was not an ounce of attitude or competition. She just wanted that someone would help to curl up her problems and would give her some hope that things do happen for a reason. It was one of those times when she missed her mom and she was not there for her. She was never there for her of course she had her father but there are some things which only a mother can resolve. She was not there when she had her first period or to tell her when to wear bra or small -small things that makes a lot of difference in life but we just look past by it.

“Never been better” she smiled at Ricco.

“I’ve never seen something like this, I’m just making a big fuss about all these things” Ricco said and veins appeared in his forehead.

“Hey, would you like to show me a hotel in which I can stay, will you be my friend?” Fiza asked and flinched on her desperation.

Ricco smiled and lighten “of course, my shift finishes in half hour after than I’ll show you everything , from hotels to strip bars, you are not lesbian, are you?. No offense”

“What would you do if I said yes?” she chuckled a little bit.

“Take you to gay bars, obviously!” he said and she burst in laughter.


“This has got to stop” he said to himself and folded the newspaper tightly.

He didn’t remember about any incident last night. Normally he would actually recall incidence about his parties and laugh in his mind. There were very little thing that made him smile. Smile was something that didn’t came easily on his face. He was always in a serious mood but when he was with his friends like he was the king of the world. Well, at least a country.

His mind was bombing inside and he was having a massive headache. It was like those moments when he could see the dust particles in sunlight but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t catch the particles

He got up.

Someone opened the door, it was his mom, the bright ray of sunshine, he thought to himself

“C’mon freshen up, we are going to interview the ladies downstairs and one lucky one is going to be your personal assistant” her mom, ordered him.

“Where is Sophia? Are we playing The bachelor here, Mom?” Leo mumbled under his breath.

“I’ve had enough of you, we are waiting” she said and turned around, not even waiting for an answers or giving the answer for his questions. In his house or palace questions were rarely answered because they were never asked. Till 13 he did everything what his parents said. He hated to admit even to himself but parents never really mattered that much to him. He was a man with limits and gave his love  to very limited people. 

He was not a socialite. He did things for himself not for others and when he loved someone he loved them forever.

   After 2 hrs, he was downstairs and was interviewing the ladies. Some had long legs but not good boobs; some had big boobs but not good legs, and no one fit his definition of perfect girl. He was not interviewing these girls for because he needed help for daily schedules, he could manage that himself but for filling the emptiness everynight. Now that was double meaning. He chuckled slowly

“Mom, I think I’ll pass” Leo got up from his chair and headed for the door at an extremely fast speed

“Don’t you dare leave me alone here.”

“Mom, I came down here and interviewed with you but not anymore and by the way whatever your name is you have an awesome rack” he laughed.

"Does that mean i get the job?" the pretty girl said.

"urrrrgghhh" his mom groaned.

He ran to his car and sped off to somewhere where he was could really smile. No more damp days, he wanted to smile and feel and enjoy. He had everything but at the same time he had nothing. This was to change things


Sorry for the late upload is killing me. 

well i hope u liked it...don't forget to vote and comment.

luv u lots.

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