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nyctophilia (n.)
love of darkness or night ; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness.


"Shawn! No!" I yelled as Lee helped the little boy, Duck, down from the tractor.

His arm was bit. No...

"Hey princess, it's okay. Just go get Dad okay?" I nodded through my tears.

"Dad!" He came running out and I explained to him. He went back in and brought the gun out.

"Listen, I want you and your people gone! Now! Get off my land!"

"Okay, okay. We're sorry. Come on Clem." Lee and them left as soon as possible.

"Shawn..." I cried. He was my only brother.

"I'll see you later my princess, okay?"

"I'll see you later prince." I cried.

I woke up in a ball of sweat and tears running down my face. I turned on my lamp and sat up in bed. I wiped my face and looked out the window. I saw a single lamp on out in the distance. The only thing luminating the darkness. I slide my boots on carefully and left the room, creeping my way through the house.

As I made it outside, I ran towards the light. It was Carol.

"Hey." I say softly.

"Hi." She quickly wipes her eyes.

"What's up." I take a seat next to her.

"Just... Thinkin' I guess." She forces a smile.

"We're gonna find your little girl, okay? Trust me, I'll go out there myself and bring her back to you."

"That's sweet. Thank you Lexi."

"Anyone would do it." I quickly change the subject and then that conversation ends in the early hours of sunrise.

"Get some rest." I pat Carol's shoulder and get up, walking her to the Rv. I then walk slowly out of their camp and run into my house.


I shoot up. Daylight sinking in my room. I run my eyes. It was near 8.30 so I should probably be getting up anyway. I quickly go take a shower, to wash everything off from last night, then pick out my clothes. I slide the dark wash jeans over my legs and then pull the random tank over my head. I grab my flannel and tie it around my waist. I pull my boots up, single knotting the laces.

As I walk out of the room, Maggie asks me to come with her for chores. I say yes and we walk out of the house. She see's Glenn.

"I'll leave you guys to it..." I smirk at her. "No babies." I mention before I walk away. I run before Maggie can catch up.

I walked by Rick's camp and Carol motioned me over.

"Good morning." Lori smiles at me.

"Mornin'. What can I do for ya?"

"Well, we were thinkin' that maybe we could cook you guys a meal tonight. For dinner."

"My... That sounds wonderful. You see, Dad can't cook and we haven't had a hot meal in..." I think for a moment. "Ages." I gush.

"Damn. For sure. I'm headed up to the veggie's right now, I'll bring a basket of em and set them in the kitchen." By then Maggie catches up.

"Well, I gotta go!" I yell running away.

philophobia ;; daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now