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nemophilist ( n. )
a haunter of the woods; one who loves the forest and it's beauty and solitude


It was the day after gun training. Shane and Rick both said I was a natural. Which I was pretty happy about.

But now I was in the woods. Just sitting here, enjoying the quiet. It was a little ways apart from the house, but it was worth it. It was gorgeous out here.

"Hey stranger." I look up and see Daryl.

"I see your up and walking."

He grunts in response. "I have a question."

"Shoot." I reply.

"Did you know? About the barn?"

"What about it?"

"There's walkers in the barn." He looks at me.

"There's what?!" I yell.

"You didn't know?"

"No. How did you find out?"

"I overhead Dale and Glenn."

"Shit." I mumble. "I gotta go."

"Gonna go talk your daddy about it?" I stand up and he smirks.

"Hell yes. It needs to be taken care of."


"Dad, we need to talk." Dale had just walked out of the horses shed, looking disappointed.

"What about?" He asks me.

"Why didn't I know that there were walkers in the barn? Why did everyone else know?"

"Because, we don't have the same belief system. You don't agree with me. And you should. Shawn and your mother are people."

"No, they were people. They aren't anymore. They're just some flesh eating beasts."

He rolls his eyes.

"You don't understand, I've seen one. Up close and personal. It isn't pretty. They can kill you, dad. And I don't think I could live with myself, knowing that they killed you."

"They won't kill me. They are people." Dad says sternly and that's when I know the conversation is over. I sigh and walk out of the barn. I decide since it was almost dinner, I would make myself something. As I'm walking past the camp, Carol comes and stops me.

"Could you help me with dinner? No one else seems to be around."

"Of course." I give her a small smile and we walk over to the fire.

"What're you guys making?" I ask her.

"Same thing we always make. Vegetables and meat. I'm learning new ways to cook vegetables every day." She chuckles softly and I can't help but smile at her. Even though she's lost her daughter, she's really positive about it.

"Have you ever baked them?" I ask her.

"I used to all the time for my husband and Sophia. It was Sophia's favorite." I notice the tears in her eyes.

"How about we go inside and cook up a nice meal for you folks?"

"Sounds lovely. Thank you."


That night, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, my hands on my face.

I couldn't believe there were walkers in the barn. That Shawn and mom were in there. Duncan, Lily, Mr and Mrs Taylor. All of our neighbors.

I knew my dad was sick, maybe the alcohol did something to that brain of his.

I shook my head. How could I think that? I decided to take my mind off of it and just go to sleep.

I had a very hard sleeping that night.


Very small chapter, but the next one will be long. (I hope!!)

Faith :))

philophobia ;; daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now